function Get-XsessionErrors { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the contents of the ~/.xsession-errors file .DESCRIPTION Get the contents of the ~/.xsession-errors file, which is a common location for error messages in Linux desktop environments. .PARAMETER logPath The path to the log file to be read. Default is "~/.xsession-errors". .EXAMPLE Get-XsessionErrors Returns the contents of the ~/.xsession-errors file. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter()][string]$logPath = "~/.xsession-errors" ) if (-not (Test-Path -Path $logPath)) { Write-Warning "Log file not found: $logPath" return } $errors = Get-Content -Path $logPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $errors) { Write-Warning "No errors found in log file: $logPath" } else { $errors } } |