
function Get-OpenFiles {
        Get open files on a Linux system.
        Get open files on a Linux system. This cmdlet uses the lsof command to list open files on a Linux system.
        Filter by path.
    .PARAMETER UserName
        Filter by user name.
    .PARAMETER ProcessId
        Filter by process ID.
        Filter by IPv4.
        Filter by IPv6.
        Get-OpenFiles -Path /tmp
        Get open files in the /tmp directory.
        Get-OpenFiles -UserName root
        Get open files owned by the root user.
        Get-OpenFiles -ProcessId 1234
        Get open files for process ID 1234.
        Get-OpenFiles -IPv4
        Get open files using IPv4.
        Get-OpenFiles -Path /home/user123 -UserName user123
        Get open files in the /home/user123 directory owned by the user123 user.

    try {
        $basecmd = "sudo lsof -w"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProcessId)) {
            $pids = $ProcessId -join ","
            $basecmd += " -p $pids"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName)) {
            $unames = $UserName -join ","
            $basecmd += " -u $unames"
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) {
            $basecmd += " $Path"
        if ($IPv4) {
            $basecmd += " -i 4"
        if ($IPv6) {
            $basecmd += " -i 6"
        Write-Verbose $basecmd
        Invoke-Expression $basecmd
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message