function Get-OpenFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Get open files on a Linux system. .DESCRIPTION Get open files on a Linux system. This cmdlet uses the lsof command to list open files on a Linux system. .PARAMETER Path Filter by path. .PARAMETER UserName Filter by user name. .PARAMETER ProcessId Filter by process ID. .PARAMETER IPv4 Filter by IPv4. .PARAMETER IPv6 Filter by IPv6. .EXAMPLE Get-OpenFiles -Path /tmp Get open files in the /tmp directory. .EXAMPLE Get-OpenFiles -UserName root Get open files owned by the root user. .EXAMPLE Get-OpenFiles -ProcessId 1234 Get open files for process ID 1234. .EXAMPLE Get-OpenFiles -IPv4 Get open files using IPv4. .EXAMPLE Get-OpenFiles -Path /home/user123 -UserName user123 Get open files in the /home/user123 directory owned by the user123 user. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter()][string]$Path, [parameter()][string[]]$UserName, [parameter()][int[]]$ProcessId, [parameter()][switch]$IPv4, [parameter()][switch]$IPv6 ) try { $basecmd = "sudo lsof -w" if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProcessId)) { $pids = $ProcessId -join "," $basecmd += " -p $pids" } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName)) { $unames = $UserName -join "," $basecmd += " -u $unames" } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { $basecmd += " $Path" } if ($IPv4) { $basecmd += " -i 4" } if ($IPv6) { $basecmd += " -i 6" } Write-Verbose $basecmd Invoke-Expression $basecmd } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } |