function Get-ComputerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Get basic computer and operating system info .DESCRIPTION Get basic computer system and operating system information, including processor, make and model, OS name and version, kernel version, and so on. .PARAMETER NeoFetch Optional. Use the NeoFetch command to display system information. .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerInfo .LINK #> param ( [parameter()][switch]$NeoFetch ) if ($PSBoundParameters['NeoFetch']) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { neofetch } return } else { $results = [ordered]@{} $name = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { hostname } $results['ComputerName'] = $name $arch = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { uname -p } $results['Architecture'] = $arch $kern = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { uname -r } $results['Kernel'] = $kern $hw = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { sudo dmidecode | grep -A3 '^System Information' } | Foreach-Object {$_.Trim()} foreach ($item in $hw) { if ($item.Contains(':')) { $parts = $item.Split(":") | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()} $results[$parts[0].Replace(' ','_').Replace('(','').Replace(')','')] = $parts[1] } } $sn = sudo dmidecode -t system | grep Serial if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sn)) { $sn = $sn.Split(':')[1].Trim() } else { $sn = "N/A" } $results['SerialNumber'] = $sn $cpu = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { lscpu } foreach ($item in $cpu) { if ($item.Contains(':')) { $parts = $item.Split(":") | Foreach-Object {$_.Trim()} $results[$parts[0].Replace(' ','_').Replace('(','').Replace(')','')] = $parts[1] } } $lastboot = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { last } | Where-Object {$_.StartsWith('reboot')} | Select-Object -First 1 $lastboot = $lastboot.Substring(43,12) # just "Feb 22 13:45" portion $lastbootdate = (Get-Date $lastboot.Substring(0,6) -f 'MM/dd/yyyy') # convert "Feb 22" first $lastboottime = (Get-Date "$($lastbootdate) $($lastboot.Substring(7,5))") # join date and string before converting again $results['LastBoot'] = (Get-Date $lastboottime) $uptime = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { uptime -p } # "up 5 days, 8 hours, 13 minutes" $results['Uptime'] = $uptime.Substring(3) [pscustomobject]$results } } |