
function Test-ServiceRebootPending {
        Checks for services that need to be restarted.
        Checks for services that need to be restarted.
        Checks for services that need to be restarted.
        Display services which need to be restarted, because they are still
        using old copies of libraries.
        Written by Richard W.M. Jones <>
        License: GNU General Public License version 2 or above
        - lsof
        - systemctl


    # Parse lsof output.
    $lsofOutput = & lsof -F cpLfn
    $lines = $lsofOutput -split "`n"
    $procs = @()
    $pidx  = $null
    $comm  = $null
    $user  = $null
    $fd    = $null
    $file  = $null

    foreach ($line in $lines) {
        $line = $line.Trim()
        if ($line -match "^p(\d+)") {
            $pidx = $matches[1]
        } elseif ($line -match "^c(.*)") {
            $comm = $matches[1]
        } elseif ($line -match "^L(.*)") {
            $user = $matches[1]
        } elseif ($line -match "^f(.*)") {
            $fd = $matches[1]
        } elseif ($line -match "^n(.*)") {
            $file = $matches[1]
            $file = $file -replace ";[a-f0-9]{8}", ""
            if ($fd -eq "DEL" -and $file -match "\.so") {
                $procs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    comm = $comm
                    pid  = $pidx
                    user = $user
                    file = $file

    $services_cache = @{}
    $pkgs_cache = @{}
    $pkgs_service_restart = @{}
    $pkgs_scope_restart = @{}
    $pkgs_pid_restart = @{}

    foreach ($proc in $procs) {
        if (-not $services_cache.ContainsKey($ {
            $service = & systemctl status $ | Select-Object -First 1
            $services_cache[$] = $service
        $service = $services_cache[$]

        if (-not $pkgs_cache.ContainsKey($proc.file)) {
            $pkg = ""
            if (Test-Path '/usr/bin/dpkg') {
                $pkg = & dpkg -S $proc.file 2>&1
            } elseif (Test-Path '/usr/bin/rpm') {
                $pkg = & rpm -qf $proc.file 2>&1
            } else {
                throw "Failed to identify distribution specific packaging tool"
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pkg)) {
                $pkgs_cache[$proc.file] = $pkg.ToString().Trim()
        $pkg = $pkgs_cache[$proc.file]

        if ($service -match "\.service - ") {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pkg)) {
                if ($pkgs_service_restart.ContainsKey($pkg)) {
                    $pkgs_service_restart[$pkg][$service] = $true
                } else {
                    $pkgs_service_restart[$pkg] = @{$service = $true}
        } elseif ($service -match "\.scope - ") {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pkg)) {
                if ($pkgs_scope_restart.ContainsKey($pkg)) {
                    $pkgs_scope_restart[$pkg][$service] = $true
                } else {
                    $pkgs_scope_restart[$pkg] = @{$service = $true}
        } else {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pkg)) {
                if ($pkgs_pid_restart.ContainsKey($pkg)) {
                    $pkgs_pid_restart[$pkg] += $proc
                } else {
                    $pkgs_pid_restart[$pkg] = @($proc)

    # Print out the services to restart summary.
    foreach ($pkg in $pkgs_service_restart.Keys) {
        $services = $pkgs_service_restart[$pkg].Keys
        foreach ($service in $services) {
                Package  = $pkg
                Type     = "service"
                Identity = $($service -replace "● ", "")
                Action   = "restart"

    # Print out the scopes to restart summary.
    foreach ($pkg in $pkgs_scope_restart.Keys) {
        $services = $pkgs_scope_restart[$pkg].Keys
        foreach ($service in $services) {
                Package  = $pkg
                Type     = "user"
                Identity = $($service -replace "● ", "")
                Action   = "log out and log in"

    # Print out the PIDs to restart summary.
    foreach ($pkg in $pkgs_pid_restart.Keys) {
        $processes = $pkgs_pid_restart[$pkg]
        foreach ($proc in $processes) {
                Package  = $pkg
                Type     = "process"
                Identity = @{comm = $proc.comm; PID = $; Owner = $proc.user}
                Action   = "restart"