
function Get-ComputerInventory {
        Get hardware and software inventory of the local computer.
        This script will gather hardware and software inventory of the local computer and output the results to a JSON file.
        Optionally, the results can be sent to a REST API endpoint.
    .PARAMETER DesintationPath
        The path to save the inventory files to.
        Example \\server\share
        Optional SAS URI for an Azure Storage Account to upload the inventory file to.
        Format is https://<storageaccount><container>/<blob>?<sas-token>
        Get-ComputerInventory -DestinationPath "\\server\share"

        Saves the inventory file to \\server\share. The file name is <hostname>_inventory.json
        Get-ComputerInventory -SasURI "https://<storageaccount><container>/<blob>?<sas-token>"

        Sends the inventory file to Azure Blob Storage. The file name is <hostname>_inventory.json

        Saves the inventory file to the user's Documents folder. File name is <hostname>_inventory.json
        Azure Blob Container requires permissions: Add, Create, Write, List

        Any data missing? Let me know!


    try {
        if (!$IsLinux) {
            throw "This script is intended for Linux systems only."

        $hostname = hostname
        $invFile = Join-Path $env:HOME "Documents/$($hostname)_inventory.json"

        function Add-FileToBlobStorage {
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ })][string]$File,
                [ValidateScript({$_ -match "https\:\/\/(.)*\\/(.)*\?(.)*"})]
            $HashArguments = @{
                uri     = $connectionstring.Replace("?","/$($(Get-Item $file).Name)?")
                method  = "Put"
                InFile  = $file
                headers = @{"x-ms-blob-type" = "BlockBlob"}
            Invoke-RestMethod @HashArguments

        $appsAPT     = Get-AptPkgInventory
        $appsFlatpak = Get-FlatpakInventory
        $appsSnap    = Get-SnapInventory
        $localUsers  = Get-LocalUser
        $localGroups = Get-LocalGroup
        $compInfo    = Get-ComputerInfo
        $netInfo     = Get-NetworkInfo -IncludePublicIP

        $inventory = @{
            "ComputerSystem"   = $compInfo
            "NetworkConfig"    = $netInfo
            "InstalledAPT"     = $appsAPT
            "InstalledFlatpak" = $appsFlatpak
            "InstalledSnap"    = $appsSnap
            "LocalUsers"       = $localUsers
            "LocalGroups"      = $localGroups

        Write-Verbose "Writing inventory to $invFile"
        $inventory | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Out-File -FilePath $invFile -Encoding utf8 -Force

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SasURI)) {
            Write-Verbose "uploading inventory file to azure blob storage"
            Add-FileToBlobStorage -File $invFile -ConnectionString $SasURI
        } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DestinationPath)) {
            write-verbose "uploading inventory file to $DestinationPath"
            Copy-Item -Path $invFile -Destination $DestinationPath -Force
        } else {
            Write-Host "File saved to: $invFile"
        Write-Output 0
    } catch {
        Write-Error $($_.Exception.Message -join(";"))
        Write-Output 1