function Get-SystemUptime { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets system uptime information on Linux systems. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves detailed system uptime information using the 'uptime' command. Returns boot time, uptime duration, and a human-readable format. Note: While this function provides a Linux-native way to get uptime, consider using PowerShell's built-in Get-Uptime cmdlet for cross-platform compatibility. .INPUTS None. This function does not accept pipeline input. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject with the following properties: - SystemBootTime: DateTime when the system was last booted - SystemUptime: TimeSpan showing how long the system has been running - FriendlyView: Human-readable uptime string - LoadAverages: PSCustomObject containing 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages .EXAMPLE Get-SystemUptime Returns system uptime information. .EXAMPLE (Get-SystemUptime).SystemUptime.Days Returns just the number of days the system has been up. .NOTES Author: Emil Larsson Version: 2.0 Requires: uptime #> [CmdletBinding()] param() # Platform check if (-not $IsLinux) { Write-Error 'This function is only supported on Linux systems.' -ErrorAction Stop } # Verify required binary if (-not (Resolve-BinDep -Bins "uptime")) { return } try { # Get system boot time $bootTime = Get-Date (uptime -s) if (-not $bootTime) { Write-Error "Failed to determine system boot time." -ErrorAction Stop } # Calculate current uptime $currentUptime = New-TimeSpan -Start $bootTime -End (Get-Date) # Get load averages $loadOutput = uptime if ($loadOutput -match '.*load average: ([\d.]+),\s*([\d.]+),\s*([\d.]+)') { $loadAverages = [PSCustomObject]@{ OneMinute = [double]$Matches[1] FiveMinutes = [double]$Matches[2] FifteenMinutes = [double]$Matches[3] } } else { Write-Warning "Could not parse load averages from uptime output." $loadAverages = [PSCustomObject]@{ OneMinute = $null FiveMinutes = $null FifteenMinutes = $null } } # Get human-readable uptime $friendlyUptime = (uptime -p).TrimStart('up ') # Build and return the result object [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Linux.SystemUptime' SystemBootTime = $bootTime SystemUptime = $currentUptime FriendlyView = $friendlyUptime LoadAverages = $loadAverages } } catch { Write-Error "Failed to retrieve system uptime information: $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } # Optional: Add custom type formatting Update-TypeData -TypeName 'Linux.SystemUptime' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet @('SystemBootTime', 'SystemUptime', 'FriendlyView') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |