
function Get-PSWSUSConfigSyncSchedule {
        Shows whether the WSUS server synchronizes the updates and sets the number of server-to-server synchronizations a day.
        About SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay property.
        WSUS stores the time in Coordinated Universal Time. This can affect the local time value that you display. For example,
        if the user wants the server to synchronize at 03:00 local time in a standard time zone that is 8 hours west of Coordinated
        Universal Time, you would set this property to 11:00 Coordinated Universal Time. When daylight saving time occurs, the server
        will continue to synchronize at 11:00 Coordinated Universal Time, however the local time value of this property will be 04:00.
        Name: Get-PSWSUSConfigSyncSchedule
        Author: Dubinsky Evgeny
        DateCreated: 1DEC2013
        Modified: 05 Feb 2014 -- Boe Prox
            -Removed Begin,Process, End as no pipeline is supported


        if(-NOT $wsus)
            Write-Warning "Use Connect-PSWSUSServer to establish connection with your Windows Update Server"
        Write-Verbose "Getting WSUS update source configuration"
        $subscription = $wsus.GetSubscription()                       
        $subscription | select SynchronizeAutomatically,SynchronizeAutomaticallyTimeOfDay, NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay
