.SYNOPSIS Set data in a JSON config file .PARAMETER Name Name of the config data to set .PARAMETER Value Object to save in the config. May be simple or an object to ConvertTo-Json .PARAMETER Encrypt Encrypt the data when storing it. Only the current user can decrypt it. .PARAMETER JsonDepth The -Depth parameter for ConvertTo-Json defaults to 2 .PARAMETER Path Path to the config file .NOTES Currently encryption only supported on Windows. On Linux/OSX secure the config file. .EXAMPLE Set-ConfigData -Name ItemName -Value "testing123" $env:home/myconfig.json #> function Set-ConfigData { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Value, [switch] $Encrypt, [int32] $JsonDepth = 2, [string] $Path = "$env:home/myconfig.json" ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $object = $null if ( Test-Path $Path ) { $object = Get-Content $path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } if ( -not $object ) { $object = [PSCustomObject]@{} } if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 -and -not $IsWindows ) { $Encrypt = $false # Core 2.0 doesn't support encrypt/decrypt } if ( $Value -is 'SecureString' ) { if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 -and -not $IsWindows ) { throw "SecureString encryption not supported in Core" } $value = ConvertTo-Json @{ "Secure-String" = (ConvertFrom-SecureString $Value) } -Compress } elseif ( $Encrypt ) { $value = ConvertTo-Json @{ "Encrypted-Object" = (ConvertFrom-SecureString (ConvertTo-SecureString (ConvertTo-Json $Value) -asplaintext -force)) } -Compress } else { $value = (ConvertTo-Json $Value -Compress -Depth $JsonDepth) } if ( -not (Get-Member -InputObject $object -Name $Name)) { Add-Member -InputObject $object -Name $Name -Value $value -MemberType NoteProperty } else { $object.$name = $value.ToString() } Set-Content $path -Value (ConvertTo-Json $object) } New-Alias -Name scfgd -Value Set-ConfigData |