
   Tests if a Cmdlet for a given endpoint is configured as whitelist or blacklist.
   This function will return True if the command is whitelisted and False if it is
   blacklisted. If the Cmdlet is not added anywhere, the function will return False as well.
   Tests if a Cmdlet for a given endpoint is configured as whitelist or blacklist.
   This function will return True if the command is whitelisted and False if it is
   blacklisted. If the Cmdlet is not added anywhere, the function will return False as well.
   Tests if a Cmdlet is allowed to be executed over the REST-Api
   PS>Test-IcingaRESTApiCommand -Command 'Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU' -Endpoint 'checker';

function Show-IcingaRESTApiCommands()
    $Commands = Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'RESTApi.Commands';

    foreach ($property in $Commands.PSObject.Properties) {
        $Whitelisted = 'None';
        $Blacklisted = 'None';

        if (Test-IcingaPowerShellConfigItem -ConfigObject $property.Value -ConfigKey 'Whitelist') {
            if ($property.Value.Whitelist.Count -ne 0) {
                $Whitelisted = [string]::Join(', ', ($property.Value.Whitelist));
        if (Test-IcingaPowerShellConfigItem -ConfigObject $property.Value -ConfigKey 'Blacklist') {
            if ($property.Value.Blacklist.Count -ne 0) {
                $Blacklisted = [string]::Join(', ', ($property.Value.Blacklist));
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message 'API Endpoint "{0}"' -Objects $property.Name;
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message '################';
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message '';
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message 'Whitelisted: {0}' -Objects $Whitelisted;
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message '';
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message 'Blacklisted: {0}' -Objects $Blacklisted;
        Write-IcingaConsolePlain -Message '';