function Get-IcingaCheckHTTPQuery() { param ( [array]$Url = @(), [string]$VHost = '', [array]$Headers = @(), [int]$Timeout = 10, [string]$Username = '', [securestring]$Password = $null, [string]$ProxyUsername = '', [securestring]$ProxyPassword = $null, [string]$ProxyServer = '', [array]$Content = @(), [array]$StatusCode = @() ); if ($Url.count -eq 0) { Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Input' -CustomMessage 'Argument empty' -ExceptionThrown 'Plugin execution failed because the -Url argument is not containing any values' -Force; } [hashtable]$HTTPAllData=@{ }; foreach ($SingleUrl in $Url) { # Initialize $HTTPInformation = $null; # Determine command arguments [hashtable]$InvokeArguments = @{ }; $InvokeArguments.Add('-Uri', $SingleUrl); $InvokeArguments.Add('-TimeoutSec', $Timeout); $InvokeArguments.Add('-ErrorAction', 'Stop'); $InvokeArguments.Add('-UseBasicParsing', $TRUE); # Converting headers suitable for -Headers as hashtable/dictionary [hashtable]$ConvertedHeaders = @{ } if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VHost)) { $ConvertedHeaders.Add('Host', $VHost); } if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Headers)) { foreach ($SingleHeader in $Headers){ $key, $value = ($SingleHeader.Split(':') | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }) $ConvertedHeaders.Add($key, $value); } } if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ConvertedHeaders)) { $InvokeArguments.Add('-Headers', $ConvertedHeaders); } if (($Password -ne $null) -And (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Username))) { $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $Password) $InvokeArguments.Add('-Credential', $Credentials); } elseif (($Password -ne $null) -Or (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Username))) { Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Custom' -CustomMessage 'AuthenticationError' -InputString ( [string]::Format("Please make sure you provide both Username and Password.") ) -Force; } if (($ProxyPassword -ne $null) -And (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProxyUsername)) -And (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProxyServer))) { $InvokeArguments.Add('-Proxy', $ProxyServer); $ProxyCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($ProxyUsername, $ProxyPassword) $InvokeArguments.Add('-ProxyCredential', $ProxyCredentials); } elseif (($ProxyPassword -ne $null) -Or (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProxyUsername)) -Or (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProxyServer))) { Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Custom' -CustomMessage 'ProxyAuthenticationError' -InputString ( [string]::Format("Please make sure you provide ProxyUsername, ProxyPassword and ProxyServer.") ) -Force; } # Receive information Start-IcingaTimer -Name 'HTTPRequest'; try { $HTTPInformation = (Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeArguments); } catch { $HTTPInformation = @{ 'StatusCode' = $_.Exception.Message; }; } Stop-IcingaTimer -Name 'HTTPRequest'; [hashtable]$HTTPData = @{ }; if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($HTTPInformation.Content)) { $enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8; $HTTPData.Add('ContentSize', $enc.GetBytes($HTTPInformation.Content).Length); $HTTPData.Add('RequestTime', (Get-IcingaTimer -Name 'HTTPRequest').Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } else { $HTTPData.Add('ContentSize', 0); } # Determine status code match if ($StatusCode -contains $HTTPInformation.StatusCode) { $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.OK; } else { # Defaults if (Test-Numeric $HTTPInformation.StatusCode) { if ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -eq $null) { $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; } elseif ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -lt 200) { # < 200 Unknown $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; } elseif ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -ge 600) { # >= 600 Unknown $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; } elseif ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -In 200..399) { # 200-399 OK $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.OK; } elseif ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -In 400..499) { # 400-499 Warning $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Warning; } elseif ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -In 500..599) { # 500-599 Critical $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Critical; } else { $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; # Proprietary } } else { $Status = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; } } # Content-Check if status code is within range: 200-299 if ($HTTPInformation.StatusCode -In 200..299) { $HTTPData.Add('Matches', @{}); foreach ($ContentMatch in $Content) { $MatchStatus = $FALSE; if ($HTTPInformation.Content -match $ContentMatch) { $MatchStatus=$TRUE; } $HTTPData['Matches'].Add($ContentMatch, $MatchStatus) } } $HTTPData.Add( 'StatusCodes', @{ 'Value' = $HTTPInformation.StatusCode; 'State' = $Status; } ); $HTTPAllData.Add($SingleUrl, $HTTPData); } return $HTTPAllData; } |