<# .SYNOPSIS Checks the connection for an address and a range of ports and fetches the connection status including the time require to connect. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-IcingaCheckTCP connects to a provided address and a single or a range of ports and determines if the connection was successful or not. In addition the time for a successful connection is measured. By default the plugin will return [CRITICAL] if the connection is not possible, can how ever be changed by the `-Negate` argument which will return [CRITICAL] if the connection is possible. In addition you can measure the connection time and alert by using `-Warning` or `-Critical`. .PARAMETER Address The IP address or FQDN of the target host .PARAMETER Ports A single or a list of ports to check on the target address .PARAMETER Negate By default the plugin will return [CRITICAL] in case connections to a port are not possible. By setting this argument, the plugin will return [CRITICAL] for successful connections instead .PARAMETER Warning A warning threshold for the connection time in seconds. Allows the usage of unit additions, like 100ms. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y .PARAMETER Critical A critical threshold for the connection time in seconds. Allows the usage of unit additions, like 100ms. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y .PARAMETER NoPerfData Disables the performance data output of this plugin. Default to FALSE. .PARAMETER Verbosity Changes the behavior of the plugin output which check states are printed: 0 (default): Only service checks/packages with state not OK will be printed 1: Only services with not OK will be printed including OK checks of affected check packages including Package config 2: Everything will be printed regardless of the check state .EXAMPLE Invoke-IcingaCheckTCP -Address '' -Ports 443, 80, 5665, 3001; [CRITICAL] Check package "TCP Connections" - [CRITICAL] Status \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "" \_ [CRITICAL] Status: Value "Not Connected" is not matching threshold "Connected" | 'port_80_time'=0.029526s;; 'port_80_status'=1;;1 'port_5665_status'=1;;1 'port_5665_time'=0.012666s;; 'port_3001_status'=0;;1 'port_3001_time'=21.041116s;; 'port_443_time'=0.353218s;; 'port_443_status'=1;;1 .EXAMPLE Invoke-IcingaCheckTCP -Address '' -Ports 443, 80, 5665, 3001 -Negate; [CRITICAL] Check package "TCP Connections" - [CRITICAL] Status, Status, Status \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "" \_ [CRITICAL] Status: Value "Connected" is not matching threshold "Not Connected" \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "" \_ [CRITICAL] Status: Value "Connected" is not matching threshold "Not Connected" \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "" \_ [CRITICAL] Status: Value "Connected" is not matching threshold "Not Connected" | 'port_80_time'=0.017343s;; 'port_80_status'=1;;0 'port_5665_status'=1;;0 'port_5665_time'=0.013514s;; 'port_3001_status'=0;;0 'port_3001_time'=21.039489s;; 'port_443_time'=0.332817s;; 'port_443_status'=1;;0 .EXAMPLE Invoke-IcingaCheckTCP -Address '' -Ports 443, 80, 5665, 3001 -Warning 100ms -Critical 200ms; [CRITICAL] Check package "TCP Connections" - [CRITICAL] Status, Time, Time \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "" \_ [CRITICAL] Status: Value "Not Connected" is not matching threshold "Connected" \_ [CRITICAL] Time: Value "21.038106s" is greater than threshold "0.2s" \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "" \_ [CRITICAL] Time: Value "0.249976s" is greater than threshold "0.2s" | 'port_80_time'=0.017512s;0.1;0.2 'port_80_status'=1;;1 'port_5665_status'=1;;1 'port_5665_time'=0.013497s;0.1;0.2 'port_3001_status'=0;;1 'port_3001_time'=21.038106s;0.1;0.2 'port_443_time'=0.249976s;0.1;0.2 'port_443_status'=1;;1 .LINK #> function Invoke-IcingaCheckTCP() { param ( [string]$Address = '', [array]$Ports = @(), [switch]$Negate = $FALSE, $Warning = $null, $Critical = $null, [switch]$NoPerfData = $FALSE, [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2)] $Verbosity = 0 ); $Warning = Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds $Warning; $Critical = Convert-IcingaPluginThresholds $Critical; $ConnectionData = Measure-IcingaTCPConnection -Address $Address -Ports $Ports; $CheckPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'TCP Connections' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity; foreach ($port in $ConnectionData.Keys) { $ConnectionValue = $ConnectionData[$port]; $ConnectionPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name ([string]::Format('{0}:{1}', $Address, $port)) -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity; $ConnectionCheck = New-IcingaCheck ` -Name ([string]::Format('{0}:{1} Status', $Address, $port)) ` -Value $ConnectionValue.Success ` -Translation @{ 'False' = 'Not Connected'; 'True' = 'Connected' } ` -LabelName ([string]::Format('port_{0}_status', $port)); if ($Negate -eq $FALSE) { $ConnectionCheck.CritIfNotMatch($TRUE) | Out-Null; } else { $ConnectionCheck.CritIfNotMatch($FALSE) | Out-Null; } $ConnectionTimeCheck = New-IcingaCheck ` -Name ([string]::Format('{0}:{1} Time', $Address, $port)) ` -Value $ConnectionValue.Time ` -Unit 's' ` -LabelName ([string]::Format('port_{0}_time', $port)); $ConnectionTimeCheck.WarnOutOfRange($Warning.Value).CritOutOfRange($Critical.Value) | Out-Null; $ConnectionPackage.AddCheck($ConnectionCheck); $ConnectionPackage.AddCheck($ConnectionTimeCheck); $CheckPackage.AddCheck($ConnectionPackage); } return (New-IcingaCheckResult -Name 'TCP Connection' -Check $CheckPackage -NoPerfData $NoPerfData -Compile); } |