
   Uses a service object fetched by Get-IcingaServices and compares it to an
   provided status to return a New-IcingaCheck object for generic usage.
   Uses a service object fetched by Get-IcingaServices and compares it to an
   provided status to return a New-IcingaCheck object for generic usage.
   Uses a service object fetched by Get-IcingaServices and compares it to an
   provided status to return a New-IcingaCheck object for generic usage.
   Service object fetched by Get-IcingaServices (single service entry only)
   The status of the service to compare it with
   Disables the performance data output of this plugin

function New-IcingaWindowsServiceCheckObject()
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Stopped', 'StartPending', 'StopPending', 'Running', 'ContinuePending', 'PausePending', 'Paused')]

    $ServiceName     = Get-IcingaServiceCheckName -ServiceInput $Service.metadata.DisplayName -Service $Service;
    $ConvertedStatus = ConvertTo-ServiceStatusCode -Status $Status;
    $StatusRaw       = $Service.configuration.Status.raw;

    $IcingaCheck     = New-IcingaCheck -Name $ServiceName -Value $StatusRaw -ObjectExists $Service -Translation $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatusName -NoPerfData:$NoPerfData;
    $IcingaCheck.CritIfNotMatch($ConvertedStatus) | Out-Null;

    return $IcingaCheck;