<# .SYNOPSIS Checks via ICMP requests to a target destination for response time and availability .DESCRIPTION Invoke-IcingaCheckICMP returns 'OK', 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL' depending on response times for packet transmition and possible packet loss More Information on .FUNCTIONALITY This plugin will check for connections via ICMP requests to check if a target destination is available and the response time. Based on thresholds the plugin will return either 'OK', 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL' .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckICMP -Hostname ''; [OK] Check package "ICMP Check for" | 'packet_loss'=0%;;;0;100 'packet_count'=4c;; 'response_time'=113ms;; .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckICMP -Hostname '' -IPv4; [OK] Check package "ICMP Check for" | 'packet_loss'=0%;;;0;100 'packet_count'=4c;; 'response_time'=113ms;; .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckICMP -Hostname '' -IPv6; [OK] Check package "ICMP Check for" | 'packet_loss'=0%;;;0;100 'packet_count'=4c;; 'response_time'=113.5ms;; .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckICMP -Hostname '' -IPv4 -Warning 80 -Critical 100 -WarningPl 50 -CriticalPl 75; [CRITICAL] Check package "ICMP Check for" - [CRITICAL] ICMP request to with 1024 bytes \_ [CRITICAL] ICMP request to with 1024 bytes: Value "114ms" is greater than threshold "100ms" \_ [CRITICAL] ICMP request to with 1024 bytes: Value "113ms" is greater than threshold "100ms" \_ [CRITICAL] ICMP request to with 1024 bytes: Value "113ms" is greater than threshold "100ms" \_ [CRITICAL] ICMP request to with 1024 bytes: Value "113ms" is greater than threshold "100ms" | 'packet_loss'=0%;50;75;0;100 'packet_count'=4c;; 'response_time'=113.25ms;80;100 .PARAMETER Warning Treshold on which the plugin will return 'WARNING' for the response time in ms .PARAMETER Critical Treshold on which the plugin will return 'CRITICAL' for the response time in ms .PARAMETER WarningPl Treshold on which the plugin will return 'WARNING' for possible packet loss in % .PARAMETER CriticalPl Treshold on which the plugin will return 'CRITICAL' for possible packet loss in % .PARAMETER Hostname The target hosts IP or FQDN to send ICMP requests too .PARAMETER PacketCount The amount of packets send to the target host .PARAMETER PacketSize The size of each packet send to the target host .PARAMETER IPv4 Force the usage of IPv4 addresses for ICMP calls by using a hostname .PARAMETER IPv6 Force the usage of IPv6 addresses for ICMP calls by using a hostname .PARAMETER NoPerfData Set this argument to not write any performance data .PARAMETER Verbosity Increase the printed output message by adding additional details or print all data regardless of their status .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String .LINK .NOTES #> function Invoke-IcingaCheckICMP() { param ( $Warning = 100, $Critical = 200, $WarningPl = 20, $CriticalPl = 50, [string]$Hostname, [int]$PacketCount = 5, [int]$PacketSize = 64, [switch]$IPv4 = $FALSE, [switch]$IPv6 = $FALSE, [switch]$NoPerfData = $FALSE, [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2)] [int]$Verbosity = 0 ); $Result = Test-IcingaICMPConnection -Hostname $Hostname -PacketCount $PacketCount -PacketSize $PacketSize -IPv4 $IPv4 -IPv6 $IPv6; $ICMPPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name ([string]::Format('ICMP Check for {0}', $Hostname)) -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity; foreach ($entry in $Result.Results.Values) { $ICMPValue = $entry.Value; $ICMPCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name ([string]::Format('ICMP request to {0} with {1} bytes', $Result.Summary.IPAddress, $PacketSize)) -Value $ICMPValue.ResponseTime -Unit 'ms' -NoPerfData; $ICMPCheck.WarnOutOfRange($Warning).CritOutOfRange($Critical) | Out-Null; $ICMPPackage.AddCheck($ICMPCheck); } $PacketLoss = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'Packet Loss' -Value $Result.Summary.PacketLoss -Unit '%'; $PacketLoss.WarnOutOfRange($WarningPl).CritOutOfRange($CriticalPl) | Out-Null; $ICMPPackage.AddCheck($PacketLoss); $ResponseTime = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'Average Response Time' -Value $Result.Summary.ResponseTime -Unit 'ms'; $ResponseTime.WarnOutOfRange($Warning).CritOutOfRange($Critical) | Out-Null; $PerfDataPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'PerfData' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity -Hidden -Checks @( $ResponseTime, (New-IcingaCheck -Name 'Packet Count' -Value $Result.Summary.PacketsSend -Unit 'c') (New-IcingaCheck -Name 'Minimum Response Time' -Value $Result.Summary.MinResponseTime -Unit 'ms'), (New-IcingaCheck -Name 'Maximum Response Time' -Value $Result.Summary.MaxResponseTime -Unit 'ms') ); $ICMPPackage.AddCheck($PerfDataPackage); return (New-IcingaCheckResult -Check $ICMPPackage -NoPerfData $NoPerfData -Compile); } |