<# .SYNOPSIS Checks how many files are in a directory. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-IcingaCheckDirectory returns either 'OK', 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL', based on the thresholds set. e.g 'C:\Users\Icinga\Backup' contains 200 files, WARNING is set to 150, CRITICAL is set to 300. In this case the check will return CRITICAL More Information on .FUNCTIONALITY This module is intended to be used to check how many files and directories are within are specified path. Based on the thresholds set the status will change between 'OK', 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL'. The function will return one of these given codes. .EXAMPLE PS>Invoke-IcingaCheckDirectory -Path "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" -Warning 20 -Critical 30 -Verbosity 3 [OK]: Check package "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" is [OK] (Match All) \_ [OK]: C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads is 19 .EXAMPLE PS>Invoke-IcingaCheckDirectory -Path "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" -Warning 20 -Critical 30 -Verbosity 3 [WARNING]: Check package "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" is [WARNING] (Match All) \_ [WARNING]: C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads is 24 .EXAMPLE PS>Invoke-IcingaCheckDirectory -Path "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" -Warning 20 -Critical 30 -Verbosity 3 -ChangeYoungerThen 20d -ChangeOlderThen 10d [OK]: Check package "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" is [OK] (Match All) \_ [OK]: C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads is 1 .EXAMPLE PS>Invoke-IcingaCheckDirectory -Path "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" -FileNames "*.txt","*.sql" -Warning 20 -Critical 30 -Verbosity 3 [OK]: Check package "C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads" is [OK] (Match All) \_ [OK]: C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads is 4 .PARAMETER Warning Used to specify a Warning threshold. In this case an integer value. .PARAMETER Critical Used to specify a Critical threshold. In this case an integer value. .PARAMETER Path Used to specify a path. e.g. 'C:\Users\Icinga\Downloads' .PARAMETER FileNames Used to specify an array of filenames or expressions to match against. e.g '*.txt', '*.sql' # Fiends all files ending with .txt and .sql .PARAMETER Recurse A switch, which can be set to filter through directories recursively. .PARAMETER ChangeYoungerThan String that expects input format like "20d", which translates to 20 days. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y. Thereby all files which have a change date younger then 20 days are considered within the check. .PARAMETER ChangeOlderThan String that expects input format like "20d", which translates to 20 days. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y. Thereby all files which have a change date older then 20 days are considered within the check. .PARAMETER CreationYoungerThan String that expects input format like "20d", which translates to 20 days. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y. Thereby all files which have a creation date younger then 20 days are considered within the check. .PARAMETER CreationOlderThan String that expects input format like "20d", which translates to 20 days. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y. Thereby all files which have a creation date older then 20 days are considered within the check. .PARAMETER ChangeTimeEqual String that expects input format like "20d", which translates to 20 days. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y. Thereby all files which have been changed 20 days ago are considered within the check. .PARAMETER CreationTimeEqual String that expects input format like "20d", which translates to 20 days. Allowed units: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y. Thereby all files which have been created 20 days ago are considered within the check. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String .LINK .NOTES #> function Invoke-IcingaCheckDirectory() { param( [string]$Path, [array]$FileNames, [switch]$Recurse, $Critical = $null, $Warning = $null, [string]$ChangeTimeEqual, [string]$ChangeYoungerThan, [string]$ChangeOlderThan, [string]$CreationTimeEqual, [string]$CreationOlderThan, [string]$CreationYoungerThan, [string]$FileSizeGreaterThan, [string]$FileSizeSmallerThan, [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3)] [int]$Verbosity = 0, [switch]$NoPerfData ); $DirectoryData = Get-IcingaDirectoryAll -Path $Path -FileNames $FileNames -Recurse $Recurse ` -ChangeYoungerThan $ChangeYoungerThan -ChangeOlderThan $ChangeOlderThan ` -CreationYoungerThan $CreationYoungerThan -CreationOlderThan $CreationOlderThan ` -CreationTimeEqual $CreationTimeEqual -ChangeTimeEqual $ChangeTimeEqual; $DirectoryCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'File Count' -Value $DirectoryData.Count; $DirectoryCheck.WarnOutOfRange( ($Warning) ).CritOutOfRange( ($Critical) ) | Out-Null; $DirectoryPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name $Path -OperatorAnd -Checks $DirectoryCheck -Verbose $Verbosity; return (New-IcingaCheckresult -Check $DirectoryPackage -NoPerfData $NoPerfData -Compile); } |