
################################# /lib/provider/vcomputer ################################################

[hashtable]$VMEnabledState = @{
    0  = 'Unknown';
    1  = 'Other';
    2  = 'Enabled';
    3  = 'Disabled';
    4  = 'Shutting Down';
    5  = 'Not Applicable';
    6  = 'Enabled but Offline';
    7  = 'In Test';
    8  = 'Deferred';
    9  = 'Quiesce';
    10 = 'Starting';

[hashtable]$VMEnabledStateName = @{
    'Unknown'             = 0;
    'Other'               = 1;
    'Enabled'             = 2;
    'Disabled'            = 3;
    'Shutting Down'       = 4;
    'Not Applicable'      = 5;
    'Enabled but Offline' = 6;
    'In Test'             = 7;
    'Deferred'            = 8;
    'Quiesce'             = 9;
    'Starting'            = 10;

################################# /lib/provider/vmhealth ################################################

[hashtable]$VMHeartbeat = @{
    2  = 'OK';
    6  = 'Error';
    12 = 'No Contact';
    13 = 'Lost Communication';

[hashtable]$VMHeartbeatName = @{
    'OK'                 = 2;
    'Error'              = 6;
    'No Contact'         = 12;
    'Lost Communication' = 13;

[hashtable]$VMHealthState = @{
    5  = 'OK';
    20 = 'Major Failure';
    25 = 'Critical failure';

[hashtable]$VMHealthStateName = @{
    'OK'               = 5;
    'Major Failure'    = 20;
    'Critical failure' = 25;

[hashtable]$HyperVWindowsInfoText = @{
    'OK'                 = 'Everything is fine.';
    'EmptyClass'         = 'No class specified to check';
    'PermissionError'    = 'Unable to query data from your Windows Hyper-V host. You are either missing permissions or your Hyper-V is not running properly';
    'ObjectNotFound'     = 'The specified WMI Class could not be found in the specified NameSpace.';
    'InvalidNameSpace'   = 'No namespace with the specified name could be found on this system.';
    'UnhandledException' = 'Windows unhandled exception is thrown. Please enable frame DebugMode for information.';
    'NotSpecified'       = 'The Hyper-V host is Stopped or you are not authorized to access the Hyper-V resources';
    'CimNotInstalled'    = 'The Cmdlet Get-CimClass is not available on your system.';

[hashtable]$HyperVWindowsInfoExceptionType = @{
    1   = 'OK';
    2   = 'EmptyClass';
    4   = 'PermissionError';
    8   = 'ObjectNotFound';
    16  = 'InvalidNameSpace';
    32  = 'UnhandledException';
    64  = 'NotSpecified';
    128 = 'CimNotInstalled';

[hashtable]$HypervProviderEnums = @{
    # /lib/provider/vcomputer
    VMEnabledState                 = $VMEnabledState;
    VMEnabledStateName             = $VMEnabledStateName;
    # /lib/provider/vmhealth
    VMHeartbeat                    = $VMHeartbeat;
    VMHeartbeatName                = $VMHeartbeatName;
    VMHealthState                  = $VMHealthState;
    VMHealthStateName              = $VMHealthStateName;
    HyperVWindowsInfoText          = $HyperVWindowsInfoText;
    HyperVWindowsInfoExceptionType = $HyperVWindowsInfoExceptionType;

Export-ModuleMember -Variable @('HypervProviderEnums');