<# .SYNOPSIS Checks the general availability, state and health of the Hyper-V server. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-IcingaCheckHyperVHealth determines the availability, state and health of the Hyper-V server. It also checks if required Hyper-V services are running including the VMM agent. .ROLE ### WMI Permissions * Root\Virtualization\v2 * Root\Cimv2 ### Required User Groups * Hyper-V Administrator .PARAMETER NoPerfData Disables the performance data output of this plugin .PARAMETER Verbosity Changes the behavior of the plugin output which check states are printed: 0 (default): Only service checks/packages with state not OK will be printed 1: Only services with not OK will be printed including OK checks of affected check packages including Package config 2: Everything will be printed regardless of the check state 3: Identical to Verbose 2, but prints in addition the check package configuration e.g (All must be [OK]) .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckHyperVHealth -Verbosity 2 [CRITICAL] Check package "Hyper-V Health Package" (Match All) - [CRITICAL] vmms Communication Status \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "vmms Status" (Match All) \_ [OK] vmms Health State: OK \_ [OK] Check package "Services Package" (Match All) \_ [OK] vmcompute Status: Running \_ [OK] vmicguestinterface Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmicheartbeat Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmickvpexchange Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmicrdv Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmicshutdown Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmictimesync Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmicvmsession Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmicvss Status: Stopped \_ [OK] vmms Status: Running | 2 .LINK #> function Invoke-IcingaCheckHyperVHealth() { param ( [switch]$NoPerfData = $FALSE, [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3)] $Verbosity = 0 ); $CheckPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'Hyper-V Health Package' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity -AddSummaryHeader; $ServicesCheckPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'Services Package' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity; $GetHypervHostDetail = Get-IcingaHypervHostInfo; $GetServices = Get-IcingaServices -Service @( 'vmcompute', 'vmicguestinterface', 'vmicheartbeat', 'vmickvpexchange', 'vmicrdv', 'vmicshutdown', 'vmictimesync', 'vmicvmsession', 'vmicvss', 'vmms' ); foreach ($Service in $GetServices.Keys) { $HypervService = $GetServices[$Service]; $Check = New-IcingaCheck ` -Name ([string]::Format('{0} Status', $Service)) ` -Value $HypervService.configuration.Status.raw ` -Translation $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatusName; if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($HypervService.configuration.ExitCode) -eq $FALSE) -And ($HypervService.configuration.ExitCode -ne 0) -And ($HypervService.configuration.Status.raw -ne $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running)) { $Check.CritIfNotMatch($ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running) | Out-Null; } elseif (($Service -eq 'vmcompute' -Or $Service -eq 'vmms') -And ($HypervService.configuration.Status.raw -ne $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running)) { $Check.CritIfNotMatch($ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running) | Out-Null; } $ServicesCheckPackage.AddCheck($Check); } if ($GetServices['vmms'].configuration.Status.raw -eq $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running) { if ($null -ne $GetHypervHostDetail) { $HypervHostCheckPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name ([string]::Format('{0} Status', $GetHypervHostDetail.Name)) -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity; $HypervHostCheckPackage.AddCheck( ( New-IcingaCheck ` -Name ([string]::Format('{0} Health State', $GetHypervHostDetail.Name)) ` -Value $GetHypervHostDetail.Health.Status ` -NoPerfData ).CritIfNotMatch( 'OK' ) ); } else { $HypervHostCheckPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'Hyper-V Status' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity; $HypervHostCheckPackage.AddCheck( ( New-IcingaCheck ` -Name 'Health State: Undefined' ` -NoPerfData ).SetWarning() ); } $CheckPackage.AddCheck($HypervHostCheckPackage); } $CheckPackage.AddCheck($ServicesCheckPackage); return (New-IcingaCheckResult -Check $CheckPackage -NoPerfData $NoPerfData -Compile); } |