function Show-Icinga() { param ( [switch]$SkipHeader = $FALSE ); $IcingaInstallation = Get-IcingaInstallation -Release; [array]$Output = @( 'Icinga for Windows environment:' ); [array]$VersionList = @(); [int]$MaxComponentLength = Get-IcingaMaxTextLength -TextArray $IcingaInstallation.Keys; foreach ($entry in $IcingaInstallation.Keys) { $LockVersion = Get-IcingaComponentLock -Name $entry; if ($null -eq $LockVersion) { $VersionList += [string]$IcingaInstallation[$entry].CurrentVersion; continue; } $VersionList += ([string]::Format('{0}*', $IcingaInstallation[$entry].CurrentVersion)); } [int]$MaxVersionLength = Get-IcingaMaxTextLength -TextArray $VersionList; [string]$ComponentHeader = Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text 'Component' -Length $MaxComponentLength; [string]$ComponentLine = Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text '---' -Length $MaxComponentLength; $Output += '-----------'; $Output += ''; if ($SkipHeader) { [array]$Output = @(); } $IcingaForWindowsService = Get-IcingaForWindowsServiceData; $IcingaAgentService = Get-IcingaAgentInstallation; $WindowsInformation = Get-IcingaWindowsInformation Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Version, BuildNumber, Caption; $DefinedServiceUser = Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'Framework.Icinga.ServiceUser'; $JEAContext = Get-IcingaJEAContext; $JEASessionFile = Get-IcingaJEASessionFile; $IcingaForWindowsCert = Get-IcingaForWindowsCertificate; $ServicePid = Get-IcingaForWindowsServicePid; $JEAServicePid = Get-IcingaJEAServicePid; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DefinedServiceUser)) { $DefinedServiceUser = ''; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JEAContext)) { $JEAContext = ''; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JEASessionFile)) { $JEASessionFile = ''; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ServicePid)) { $ServicePid = ''; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JEAServicePid)) { $JEAServicePid = ''; } $Output += ''; $Output += 'Environment configuration:'; $Output += ''; $Output += ([string]::Format('PowerShell Root => {0}', (Get-IcingaForWindowsRootPath))); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga for Windows Service Path => {0}', $IcingaForWindowsService.Directory)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga for Windows Service User => {0}', $IcingaForWindowsService.User)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga for Windows Service Pid => {0}', $ServicePid)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga for Windows JEA Pid => {0}', $JEAServicePid)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga Agent Path => {0}', $IcingaAgentService.RootDir)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga Agent User => {0}', $IcingaAgentService.User)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Defined Default User => {0}', $DefinedServiceUser)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Icinga Managed User => {0}', (Test-IcingaManagedUser -IcingaUser (Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'Framework.Icinga.ServiceUser')))); $Output += ([string]::Format('PowerShell Version => {0}', $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())); $Output += ([string]::Format('Operating System => {0}', $WindowsInformation.Caption)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Operating System Version => {0}', $WindowsInformation.Version)); $Output += ([string]::Format('JEA Context => {0}', $JEAContext)); $Output += ([string]::Format('JEA Session File => {0}', $JEASessionFile)); $Output += ([string]::Format('Api Check Forwarder => {0}', (Get-IcingaFrameworkApiChecks))); $Output += ([string]::Format('Debug Mode => {0}', (Get-IcingaFrameworkDebugMode))); $Output += ''; $Output += 'Icinga for Windows Certificate:'; $Output += ''; if ($null -eq $IcingaForWindowsCert -Or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($IcingaForWindowsCert)) { $Output += 'Not installed'; } else { $Output += ([string]::Format('Issuer => {0}', ($IcingaForWindowsCert.Issuer))); $Output += ([string]::Format('Subject => {0}', ($IcingaForWindowsCert.Subject))); } $Output += ''; $Output += (Show-IcingaRegisteredBackgroundDaemons); $Output += (Show-IcingaRegisteredServiceChecks); $Output += (Show-IcingaRepository); $Output += 'Installed components on this system:'; $Output += ''; $Output += [string]::Format('{0} {1} Available', $ComponentHeader, ((Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text 'Version' -Length $MaxVersionLength))); $Output += [string]::Format('{0} {1} ---', $ComponentLine, ((Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text '---' -Length $MaxVersionLength))); $IcingaInstallation = $IcingaInstallation.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name; foreach ($component in $IcingaInstallation) { $Data = $component.Value; $LatestVersion = $Data.LatestVersion; $CurrentVersion = $Data.CurrentVersion; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Data.LockedVersion) -eq $FALSE) { if ($Data.LockedVersion -eq $Data.CurrentVersion) { $CurrentVersion = [string]::Format('{0}*', $CurrentVersion); } else { $LatestVersion = [string]::Format('{0}*', $Data.LockedVersion); } } [string]$ComponentName = Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text $component.Name -Length $MaxComponentLength; $Output += [string]::Format('{0} {1} {2}', $ComponentName, (Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text $CurrentVersion -Length $MaxVersionLength), $LatestVersion); } $Output += ''; $Output += 'Available versions flagged with "*" mean that this component is locked to this version'; Write-Output $Output; } |