
   Fetches stored data for a given performance counter path. Returns
   $null if no values are assigned
   Fetches stored data for a given performance counter path. Returns
   $null if no values are assigned
   Fetches stored data for a given performance counter path. Returns
   $null if no values are assigned
   PS>Get-IcingaPerformanceCounterCacheItem -Counter '\Processor(*)\% processor time';
   The path to the counter to fetch data for

function Get-IcingaPerformanceCounterCacheItem()
    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Counter)) {
       return $null;

    if ($Global:Icinga.Private.PerformanceCounter.Cache.ContainsKey($Counter)) {
        return $Global:Icinga.Private.PerformanceCounter.Cache[$Counter];

    return $null;