
    Will return certain configuration values for specified users by
    using the username or SID by doing a local lookup with Get-LocalUser,
    in case the Cmdlet is installed
    Will return certain configuration values for specified users by
    using the username or SID by doing a local lookup with Get-LocalUser,
    in case the Cmdlet is installed.

    Allows to test if a user does exist and if the user is managed by
    Icinga for Windows.

    In case both, -UserName and -SID are used, the -SID argument will always be
    prioritized and therefor only one argument should be used at the same time.
    The local username you want to fetch config from
    The SID of a local user you want to fetch config from. This argument
    will always be prioritized, even when -UserName is set
    PS> Get-IcingaWindowsUserConfig -UserName 'icinga';
    PS> Get-IcingaWindowsUserConfig -SID 'S-1-5-21-1004336348-1177238915-682003330-512';

function Get-IcingaWindowsUserConfig()
    param (
        [string]$UserName = '',
        [string]$SID      = ''

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SID) -And [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName) -eq $FALSE) {
        $SID = Get-IcingaUserSID -User $UserName;

    $UserConfig = @{
        'SID'               = '';
        'Name'              = '';
        'FullName'          = '';
        'Caption'           = '';
        'Domain'            = (Get-IcingaNetbiosName);
        'Description'       = '';
        'IcingaManagedUser' = $FALSE;
        'UserExist'         = $FALSE;

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SID) -And [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName)) {
        return $UserConfig;

    # If we are not running PowerShell 5.0 or later, 'Get-LocalUser' will not be available
    # which should always result in "false" for the managed user
    if ((Test-IcingaFunction 'Get-LocalUser') -eq $FALSE) {
        return $UserConfig;

    $UserMetadata = Get-IcingaWindowsUserMetadata;

    try {
        $UserData = Get-LocalUser -SID $SID -ErrorAction Stop;
    } catch {
        return $UserConfig;

    $UserConfig.SID         = $UserData.SID.Value;
    $UserConfig.Name        = $UserData.Name;
    $UserConfig.FullName    = $UserData.FullName;
    $UserConfig.Caption     = [string]::Format('{0}\{1}', $UserConfig.Domain, $UserData.Name);
    $UserConfig.Description = $UserData.Description;

    if ($UserConfig.FullName -eq $UserMetadata.FullName -And $UserConfig.Description -eq $UserMetadata.Description) {
        $UserConfig.IcingaManagedUser = $TRUE;

    $UserConfig.UserExist = $TRUE;

    return $UserConfig;