function Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices() { $IcingaAgentService = Get-Service 'icinga2' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $IcingaAgentStatus = 'Not Installed'; $IcingaForWindowsService = Get-Service 'icingapowershell' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $IcingaForWindowsStatus = 'Not Installed'; if ($null -ne $IcingaAgentService) { $IcingaAgentStatus = $IcingaAgentService.Status; } if ($null -ne $IcingaForWindowsService) { $IcingaForWindowsStatus = $IcingaForWindowsService.Status; } Show-IcingaForWindowsInstallerMenu ` -Header ([string]::Format('Manage Services:{0}=> Icinga Agent Service: {1}{0}=> Icinga for Windows Service: {2}', (New-IcingaNewLine), $IcingaAgentStatus, $IcingaForWindowsStatus)) ` -Entries @( @{ 'Caption' = 'Start Icinga Agent Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows you to start the Icinga Agent if the service is not running'; 'Disabled' = ($null -eq $IcingaAgentService -Or $IcingaAgentStatus -eq 'Running'); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga Agent service is either not installed or the service is already running'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Start-Service'; 'Arguments' = @{ '-Name' = 'icinga2'; }; } }, @{ 'Caption' = 'Stop Icinga Agent Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows you to stop the Icinga Agent if the service is not running'; 'Disabled' = ($null -eq $IcingaAgentService -Or $IcingaAgentStatus -ne 'Running'); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga Agent service is either not installed or the service is not running'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Stop-Service'; 'Arguments' = @{ '-Name' = 'icinga2'; }; } }, @{ 'Caption' = 'Restart Icinga Agent Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows you to restart the Icinga Agent if the service is installed'; 'Disabled' = ($null -eq $IcingaAgentService); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga Agent service is not installed'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Restart-Service'; 'Arguments' = @{ '-Name' = 'icinga2'; }; } }, @{ 'Caption' = 'Repair Icinga Agent Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows to repair the Icinga Agent service in case it was removed or broke during installation/upgrade'; 'Disabled' = ($null -ne $IcingaAgentService); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga Agent service is already present'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Repair-IcingaService'; } }, @{ 'Caption' = 'Start Icinga for Windows Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows you to start the Icinga for Windows Service if the service is not running'; 'Disabled' = ($null -eq $IcingaForWindowsService -Or $IcingaForWindowsStatus -eq 'Running'); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga for Windows service is either not installed or already running'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Start-Service'; 'Arguments' = @{ '-Name' = 'icingapowershell'; }; } }, @{ 'Caption' = 'Stop Icinga for Windows Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows you to stop the Icinga for Windows Service if the service is not running'; 'Disabled' = ($null -eq $IcingaForWindowsService -Or $IcingaForWindowsStatus -ne 'Running'); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga for Windows service is either not installed or not running'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Stop-IcingaWindowsService'; } }, @{ 'Caption' = 'Restart Icinga for Windows Service'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuManageIcingaForWindowsServices'; 'Help' = 'Allows you to restart the Icinga for Windows Service if the service is installed'; 'Disabled' = ($null -eq $IcingaForWindowsService); 'DisabledReason' = 'The Icinga for Windows service is not installed'; 'AdminMenu' = $TRUE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Restart-IcingaWindowsService'; } } ); } |