function Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuUpdateComponentsSnapshot() { $IcingaInstallation = Get-IcingaInstallation -Snapshot; [int]$MaxComponentLength = Get-IcingaMaxTextLength -TextArray $IcingaInstallation.Keys; [array]$UpdateList = @(); foreach ($entry in $IcingaInstallation.Keys) { $Component = $IcingaInstallation[$entry]; $LatestVersion = $Component.LatestVersion; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Component.LockedVersion) -eq $FALSE) { if ([Version]$Component.CurrentVersion -ge [Version]$Component.LockedVersion) { continue; } $LatestVersion = [string]::Format('{0}*', $Component.LockedVersion); } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LatestVersion)) { continue; } $UpdateList += @{ 'Caption' = ([string]::Format('{0} [{1}] => [snapshot]', (Add-IcingaWhiteSpaceToString -Text $entry -Length $MaxComponentLength), $Component.CurrentVersion)); 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuUpdateComponents'; 'Help' = ([string]::Format('This will update "{0}" from current version "{1}" to latest snapshot version', $entry, $Component.CurrentVersion)); 'Disabled' = $FALSE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaWindowsManagementConsoleYesNoDialog'; 'Arguments' = @{ '-Caption' = ([string]::Format('Update "{0}" from version "{1}" to latest snapshot version', $entry, $Component.CurrentVersion)); '-Command' = 'Update-Icinga'; '-CmdArguments' = @{ '-Name' = $entry; '-Snapshot' = $TRUE; '-Confirm' = $TRUE; '-Force' = $TRUE; } } } } } if ($UpdateList.Count -ne 0) { $UpdateList += @{ 'Caption' = 'Update entire environment'; 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaForWindowsMenuUpdateComponents'; 'Help' = 'This will update all components listed above to the mentioned snapshot version' 'Disabled' = $FALSE; 'Action' = @{ 'Command' = 'Show-IcingaWindowsManagementConsoleYesNoDialog'; 'Arguments' = @{ '-Caption' = 'Update entire Icinga for Windows environment'; '-Command' = 'Update-Icinga'; '-CmdArguments' = @{ '-Snapshot' = $TRUE; '-Confirm' = $TRUE; '-Force' = $TRUE; } } } } Show-IcingaForWindowsInstallerMenu ` -Header 'Updates Icinga for Windows components. Select an entry to continue:' ` -Entries $UpdateList; } else { Show-IcingaForWindowsInstallerMenu ` -Header 'There are no updates pending for your environment' } } |