<# .Synopsis Icinga PowerShell Module - Powerful PowerShell Framework for monitoring Windows Systems .DESCRIPTION More Information on https://github.com/Icinga/icinga-powershell-framework .EXAMPLE Install-Icinga .NOTES #> function Use-Icinga() { param ( [switch]$LibOnly = $FALSE, [switch]$Daemon = $FALSE, [switch]$DebugMode = $FALSE, [switch]$Minimal = $FALSE ); # Only apply migrations if we directly call "Use-Icinga" without any other argument if ($LibOnly -eq $FALSE -And $Daemon -eq $FALSE -and $Minimal -eq $FALSE) { Invoke-IcingaForWindowsMigration; } Disable-IcingaProgressPreference; if ($Minimal) { $Global:Icinga.Protected.Minimal = $TRUE; } # Ensure we autoload the Icinga Plugin collection, provided by the external # module 'icinga-powershell-plugins' if (Get-Command 'Use-IcingaPlugins' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Use-IcingaPlugins; } if ($Daemon) { $Global:Icinga.Protected.RunAsDaemon = $TRUE; } if ($DebugMode) { $Global:Icinga.Protected.DebugMode = $TRUE; } # Enable DebugMode in case it is enabled in our config if (Get-IcingaFrameworkDebugMode) { Enable-IcingaFrameworkDebugMode; } $EventLogMessages = Invoke-IcingaNamespaceCmdlets -Command 'Register-IcingaEventLogMessages*'; foreach ($entry in $EventLogMessages.Values) { foreach ($event in $entry.Keys) { if ($LibOnly -eq $FALSE -And $Daemon -eq $FALSE) { Register-IcingaEventLog -LogName $event; } Add-IcingaHashtableItem -Hashtable $global:IcingaEventLogEnums ` -Key $event ` -Value $entry[$event] | Out-Null; } } if ($LibOnly -eq $FALSE -And $Daemon -eq $FALSE) { Register-IcingaEventLog; } } function Get-IcingaFrameworkCodeCacheFile() { return (Join-Path -Path (Get-IcingaCacheDir) -ChildPath 'framework_cache.psm1'); } function Import-IcingaLib() { # Do nothing, just leave it here as compatibility layer until we # cleaned every other repository } function Write-IcingaFrameworkCodeCache() { [string]$CacheFile = Get-IcingaFrameworkCodeCacheFile; [string]$directory = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'lib\'; [string]$CacheContent = ''; # Load modules from directory Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Recurse -Filter '*.psm1' | ForEach-Object { $CacheContent += (Get-Content -Path $_.FullName -Raw); $CacheContent += "`r`n"; } $CacheContent += "Export-ModuleMember -Function @( '*' ) -Alias @( '*' ) -Variable @( '*' )"; Set-Content -Path $CacheFile -Value $CacheContent; Remove-IcingaFrameworkDependencyFile; } function Publish-IcingaEventLogDocumentation() { param( [string]$Namespace, [string]$OutFile ); [string]$DocContent = [string]::Format( '# {0} EventLog Documentation', $Namespace ); $DocContent += New-IcingaNewLine; $DocContent += New-IcingaNewLine; $DocContent += "Below you will find a list of EventId's which are exported by this module. The short and detailed message are both written directly into the EventLog. This documentation shall simply provide a summary of available EventId's"; $SortedArray = $IcingaEventLogEnums[$Namespace].Keys.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object; foreach ($entry in $SortedArray) { $entry = $IcingaEventLogEnums[$Namespace][$entry]; $DocContent = [string]::Format( '{0}{2}{2}## Event Id {1}{2}{2}| Category | Short Message | Detailed Message |{2}| --- | --- | --- |{2}| {3} | {4} | {5} |', $DocContent, $entry.EventId, (New-IcingaNewLine), $entry.EntryType, $entry.Message, $entry.Details ); } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OutFile)) { Write-Output $DocContent; } else { Write-IcingaFileSecure -File $OutFile -Value $DocContent; } } function Get-IcingaPluginDir() { return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'lib\plugins\'); } function Get-IcingaCustomPluginDir() { return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'custom\plugins\'); } function Get-IcingaCacheDir() { return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'cache'); } function Get-IcingaPowerShellConfigDir() { return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'config'); } function Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath() { [string]$Path = $PSScriptRoot; return $PSScriptRoot; } function Get-IcingaForWindowsRootPath() { [string]$Path = $PSScriptRoot; [int]$Index = $Path.LastIndexOf('icinga-powershell-framework'); $Path = $Path.Substring(0, $Index); return $Path; } function Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleFile() { return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'icinga-powershell-framework.psd1'); } function Invoke-IcingaCommand() { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $ScriptBlock, [switch]$SkipHeader = $FALSE, [switch]$Manage = $FALSE, # Only for backwards compatibility, has no use at all [switch]$Shell = $FALSE, [switch]$RebuildCache = $FALSE, [array]$ArgumentList = @() ); Import-LocalizedData ` -BaseDirectory (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath) ` -FileName 'icinga-powershell-framework.psd1' ` -BindingVariable IcingaFrameworkData; # Print a header informing our user that loaded the Icinga Framework with a specific # version. We can also skip the header by using $SKipHeader if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScriptBlock) -And $SkipHeader -eq $FALSE -And $Shell) { [array]$Headers = @( 'Icinga for Windows $FrameworkVersion', 'Copyright $Copyright', 'User environment $UserDomain\$Username' ); if ($null -eq (Get-Command -Name 'Write-IcingaConsoleHeader' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Use-Icinga; } Write-IcingaConsoleHeader -HeaderLines $Headers; } if ($RebuildCache) { Write-IcingaFrameworkCodeCache; } if ($null -ne $psISE) { Use-Icinga; Write-IcingaConsoleError -Message 'Icinga for Windows was loaded, but the Icinga Management Console is not available within the PowerShell ISE context. Please start a regular PowerShell to use it.'; return; } if ($null -ne $psISE) { Write-IcingaConsoleWarning -Message 'Icinga for Windows was successfully loaded, but the current PowerShell ISE environment is not fully supported. For advanced and production tasks, please use Icinga for Windows inside a regular PowerShell environment.'; return; } powershell.exe -NoExit -Command { $Script = $args[0]; $RootPath = $args[1]; $Version = $args[2]; $Shell = $args[3]; $IcingaShellArgs = $args[4]; # Load our Icinga Framework Use-Icinga; $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = ([string]::Format('Icinga for Windows {0}', $Version)); # Set the location to the Icinga Framework module folder Set-Location $RootPath; if ($Shell -eq $FALSE -And [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script)) { Install-Icinga; exit $LASTEXITCODE; } # If we added a block to execute, do it right here and exit the shell # with the last exit code of the command if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script) -eq $FALSE) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($Script)); exit $LASTEXITCODE; } # Set our "path" to something different so we know that we loaded the Framework function prompt { Write-Host -Object "icinga" -NoNewline; return "> " } } -Args $ScriptBlock, $PSScriptRoot, $IcingaFrameworkData.PrivateData.Version, ([bool]$Shell), $ArgumentList; } function Start-IcingaShellAsUser() { param ( [string]$User = '' ); Start-Process ` -WorkingDirectory $PSHOME ` -FilePath 'powershell.exe' ` -Verb RunAs ` -ArgumentList ( [string]::Format( "-Command `"Start-Process -FilePath `"powershell.exe`" -WorkingDirectory `"{0}`" -Credential (Get-Credential -UserName '{1}' -Message 'Please enter your credentials to open an Icinga Shell with') -ArgumentList icinga`"", $PSHOME, $User ) ); } # Always ensure our environment variables are set to reduce possibles errors # in case we call functions accessing them if (Get-Command -Name 'New-IcingaEnvironmentVariable' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { New-IcingaEnvironmentVariable; } Set-Alias icinga Invoke-IcingaCommand -Description "Execute Icinga Framework commands in a new PowerShell instance for testing or quick access to data"; Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function * -Variable *; |