function Update-IcingaRepository() { param ( [string]$Name = $null, [string]$Path = $null, [string]$RemotePath = $null, [switch]$CreateNew = $FALSE, [switch]$ForceTrust = $FALSE ); $CurrentRepositories = Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'Framework.Repository.Repositories'; [array]$ConfigCount = $CurrentRepositories.PSObject.Properties.Count; if (($null -eq $CurrentRepositories -Or $ConfigCount.Count -eq 0) -And $CreateNew -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'There are no repositories configured yet. You can create a custom repository with "New-IcingaRepository" or clone an existing one with "Sync-IcingaForWindowsRepository"'; return; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -eq $FALSE) { $Name = $Name.Replace('.', '-'); if ((Test-IcingaPowerShellConfigItem -ConfigObject $CurrentRepositories -ConfigKey $Name) -eq $FALSE -And $CreateNew -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleError 'A repository with the given name "{0}" does not exist. Use "New-IcingaRepository" or "Sync-IcingaForWindowsRepository" to create a new one.' -Objects $Name; return; } } foreach ($definedRepo in $CurrentRepositories.PSObject.Properties) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -eq $FALSE -And $definedRepo.Name.ToLower() -ne $Name.ToLower()) { continue; } if ($definedRepo.Value.Enabled -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Skipping disabled repository "{0}"' -Objects $definedRepo.Name; continue; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($definedRepo.Value.CloneSource) -eq $FALSE) { continue; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($definedRepo.Value.LocalPath)) { continue; } if ((Test-Path $definedRepo.Value.LocalPath) -eq $FALSE) { if ($CreateNew) { return $null; } continue; } $Path = Join-Path -Path $definedRepo.Value.LocalPath -ChildPath '\'; if ($CreateNew -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Updating Icinga for Windows repository "{0}"' -Objects $definedRepo.Name; } $IcingaRepository = New-IcingaRepositoryFile -Path $Path -RemotePath $RemotePath; if ($CreateNew) { return $IcingaRepository; } } # Always sync repositories at the end, in case we updated a local repository and cloned it to somewhere else foreach ($definedRepo in $CurrentRepositories.PSObject.Properties) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -eq $FALSE -And $definedRepo.Name.ToLower() -ne $Name.ToLower()) { continue; } if ($definedRepo.Value.Enabled -eq $FALSE) { continue; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($definedRepo.Value.LocalPath)) { continue; } Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Syncing repository "{0}"' -Objects $definedRepo.Name; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($definedRepo.Value.CloneSource) -eq $FALSE) { Sync-IcingaRepository ` -Name $definedRepo.Name ` -Path $definedRepo.Value.LocalPath ` -RemotePath $definedRepo.Value.RemotePath ` -Source $definedRepo.Value.CloneSource ` -UseSCP:$definedRepo.Value.UseSCP ` -Force ` -ForceTrust:$ForceTrust; return; } } Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'All Icinga for Windows repositories were successfully updated'; } |