function Uninstall-IcingaAgent() { param ( [switch]$RemoveDataFolder = $FALSE ); $IcingaData = Get-IcingaAgentInstallation; [string]$IcingaProgramData = Join-Path -Path $Env:ProgramData -ChildPath 'icinga2'; if ($IcingaData.Installed -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Unable to uninstall the Icinga Agent. The Agent is not installed'; if ($RemoveDataFolder) { if (Test-Path $IcingaProgramData) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice -Message 'Removing Icinga Agent directory: "{0}"' -Objects $IcingaProgramData; return ((Remove-ItemSecure -Path $IcingaProgramData -Recurse -Force) -eq $FALSE); } else { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice -Message 'Icinga Agent directory "{0}" does not exist' -Objects $IcingaProgramData; } } return $FALSE; } $Uninstaller = powershell.exe -Command { $IcingaData = $args[0] Use-Icinga; Stop-Service 'icinga2' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null; $Uninstaller = Start-IcingaProcess -Executable 'MsiExec.exe' -Arguments ([string]::Format('{0} /q', $IcingaData.Uninstaller)) -FlushNewLine; return $Uninstaller; } -Args $IcingaData; if ($Uninstaller.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-IcingaConsoleError ([string]::Format('Failed to remove Icinga Agent: {0}{1}', $Uninstaller.Message, $Uninstaller.Error)); return $FALSE; } if ($RemoveDataFolder) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice -Message 'Removing Icinga Agent directory: "{0}"' -Objects $IcingaProgramData; if ((Remove-ItemSecure -Path $IcingaProgramData -Recurse -Force) -eq $FALSE) { return $FALSE; } } Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Icinga Agent was successfully removed'; return $TRUE; } |