function Exit-IcingaExecutePlugin() { param ( [string]$Command = '' ); $JEAProfile = Get-IcingaJEAContext; Invoke-IcingaInternalServiceCall -Command $Command -Arguments $args; try { Exit-IcingaPluginNotInstalled -Command $Command; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($JEAProfile) -eq $FALSE) { $ErrorHandler = '' $JEARun = ( & powershell.exe -ConfigurationName $JEAProfile -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command { Use-Icinga; $global:IcingaDaemonData.JEAContext = $TRUE; $Command = $args[0]; $Arguments = $args[1]; $Output = ''; try { $ExitCode = (& $Command @Arguments); $Output = (Get-IcingaInternalPluginOutput); $ExitCode = (Get-IcingaInternalPluginExitCode); } catch { $Output = [string]::Format('[UNKNOWN] Icinga Exception: Error while executing plugin in JEA context{0}{0}{1}', (New-IcingaNewLine), $_.Exception.Message); $ExitCode = 3; } return @{ 'Output' = $Output; 'PerfData' = (Get-IcingaCheckSchedulerPerfData) 'ExitCode' = $ExitCode; } } -args $Command, $args ) 2>$ErrorHandler; if ($LASTEXITCODE -ge 0) { Write-IcingaPluginResult -PluginOutput $JEARun.Output -PluginPerfData $JEARun.PerfData; exit $JEARun.ExitCode; } else { Write-IcingaConsolePlain '[UNKNOWN] Icinga Exception: Unable to start the PowerShell.exe with the provided JEA profile "{0}" for CheckCommand: {1}' -Objects $JEAProfile, $Command; exit 3; } } else { exit (& $Command @args); } } catch { $ExMsg = $_.Exception.Message; $StackTrace = $_.ScriptStackTrace; $ExErrorId = $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId; $ArgName = $_.Exception.ParameterName; $ListArgs = $args; if ($ExErrorId -Like "*ParameterArgumentTransformationError*" -And $ExMsg.Contains('System.Security.SecureString')) { $ExMsg = [string]::Format( 'Cannot bind parameter {0}. Cannot convert the provided value for argument "{0}" of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString".', $ArgName ); $args.Clear(); $ListArgs = 'Hidden for security reasons'; } Write-IcingaConsolePlain '[UNKNOWN] Icinga Exception: {0}{1}{1}CheckCommand: {2}{1}Arguments: {3}{1}{1}StackTrace:{1}{4}' -Objects $ExMsg, (New-IcingaNewLine), $Command, $ListArgs, $StackTrace; exit 3; } } |