function Get-IcingaJEAConfiguration() { param ( [switch]$RebuildFramework = $FALSE, [switch]$AllowScriptBlocks = $FALSE ); # Prepare all variables and content we require for building the profile $CommandList = Get-Command; $PowerShellModules = Get-ChildItem -Path (Get-IcingaForWindowsRootPath) -Filter 'icinga-powershell-*'; [array]$BlockedModules = @(); $DependencyList = New-Object PSCustomObject; [hashtable]$UsedCmdlets = @{ 'Alias' = @{ }; 'Cmdlet' = @{ }; 'Function' = @{ }; 'Modules' = ([System.Collections.ArrayList]@()); }; $ModuleContent = ''; [bool]$DependencyCache = $FALSE; if ((Test-Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-IcingaCacheDir) -ChildPath 'framework_dependencies.json')) -And $RebuildFramework -eq $FALSE) { $DependencyList = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Read-IcingaFileSecure -File (Join-Path -Path (Get-IcingaCacheDir) -ChildPath 'framework_dependencies.json')); $DependencyCache = $TRUE; } # Lookup all PowerShell modules installed for Icinga for Windows inside the same folder as the Framework # and fetch each single module file to list the used Cmdlets and Functions # Add each file content to a big string file for better parsing foreach ($module in $PowerShellModules) { $Progress = Write-IcingaProgressStatus -Message 'Fetching Icinga for Windows Components' -CurrentValue $Progress -MaxValue $PowerShellModules.Count -Details; if ($module.Name.ToLower() -eq 'icinga-powershell-framework') { continue; } if ($UsedCmdlets.Modules -NotContains $module.Name) { $UsedCmdlets.Modules.Add($module.Name) | Out-Null; } $ModuleFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $module.FullName -Recurse -Include '*.psm1'; $ModuleFileContent = ''; foreach ($PSFile in $ModuleFiles) { $DeserializedFile = Read-IcingaPowerShellModuleFile -File $PSFile.FullName; $RawModuleContent = $DeserializedFile.NormalisedContent; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RawModuleContent)) { continue; } $ModuleFileContent += $RawModuleContent; $ModuleFileContent += "`r`n"; $ModuleFileContent += "`r`n"; $SourceCode = $RawModuleContent.ToLower().Replace(' ', ''); $SourceCode = $SourceCode.Replace("`r`n", ''); $SourceCode = $SourceCode.Replace("`n", ''); # Lookup the entire command list and compare the source code behind if it contains any [ScriptBlocks] or Add-Types # [ScriptBlocks] are forbidden and modules containing them will not be added, while Add-Type will print a warning if ($null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $ModuleFileContent -Pattern '[scriptblock]' -SimpleMatch) -Or $null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $SourceCode -Pattern '={' -SimpleMatch) -Or $null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $SourceCode -Pattern 'return{' -SimpleMatch) -Or $null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $SourceCode -Pattern ';{' -SimpleMatch)) { if ($AllowScriptBlocks -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleError 'Unable to include module "{0}" into JEA profile. The file "{1}" is using one or more [ScriptBlock] variables which are forbidden in JEA context.' -Objects $module.Name, $PSFile.FullName; $UsedCmdlets.Modules.RemoveAt($UsedCmdlets.Modules.IndexOf($module.Name)); $BlockedModules += $module.Name; $ModuleFileContent = ''; break; } else { Write-IcingaConsoleWarning 'Module "{0}" is containing [ScriptBlock] like content inside file "{1}". Please validate the file before running it inside JEA context.' -Objects $module.Name, $PSFile.FullName; } } if ($null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $SourceCode -Pattern 'add-type' -SimpleMatch) -Or $null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $SourceCode -Pattern 'typedefinition@"' -SimpleMatch) -Or $null -ne (Select-String -InputObject $SourceCode -Pattern '@"' -SimpleMatch)) { Write-IcingaConsoleWarning 'The module "{0}" is using "Add-Type" definitions for file "{1}". Ensure you validate the code before trusting this publisher.' -Objects $module.Name, $PSFile.FullName; } } $ModuleContent += $ModuleFileContent; } if ($DependencyCache -eq $FALSE) { # Now lets lookup every single Framework file and get all used Cmdlets and Functions so we know our dependencies $FrameworkFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath) -Recurse -Filter '*.psm1'; foreach ($ModuleFile in $FrameworkFiles) { $Progress = Write-IcingaProgressStatus -Message 'Compiling Icinga PowerShell Framework Dependency List' -CurrentValue $Progress -MaxValue $FrameworkFiles.Count -Details; # Just ignore our cache file if ($ModuleFile.FullName -eq (Get-IcingaFrameworkCodeCacheFile)) { continue; } $DeserializedFile = Read-IcingaPowerShellModuleFile -File $ModuleFile.FullName; foreach ($FoundFunction in $DeserializedFile.FunctionList) { $DependencyList = Get-IcingaFrameworkDependency ` -Command $FoundFunction ` -DependencyList $DependencyList; } } Write-IcingaFileSecure -File (Join-Path -Path (Get-IcingaCacheDir) -ChildPath 'framework_dependencies.json') -Value $DependencyList; } $UsedCmdlets.Modules.Add('icinga-powershell-framework') | Out-Null; # Check all our configured background daemons and ensure we get all Cmdlets and Functions including the dependency list $BackgroundDaemons = (Get-IcingaBackgroundDaemons).Keys; foreach ($daemon in $BackgroundDaemons) { $Progress = Write-IcingaProgressStatus -Message 'Compiling Background Daemon Dependency List' -CurrentValue $Progress -MaxValue $BackgroundDaemons.Count -Details; $DaemonCmd = (Get-Command $daemon); if ($BlockedModules -Contains $DaemonCmd.Source) { continue; } $ModuleContent += [string]::Format('function {0} {{{1}{2}{1}}}', $daemon, "`r`n", $DaemonCmd.ScriptBlock.ToString()); [string]$CommandType = ([string]$DaemonCmd.CommandType).Replace(' ', ''); $UsedCmdlets = Get-IcingaCommandDependency ` -DependencyList $DependencyList ` -CompiledList $UsedCmdlets ` -CmdName $DaemonCmd.Name ` -CmdType $CommandType; } # We need to add this function which is not used anywhere else and should still add the entire dependency tree $UsedCmdlets = Get-IcingaCommandDependency ` -DependencyList $DependencyList ` -CompiledList $UsedCmdlets ` -CmdName 'Exit-IcingaExecutePlugin' ` -CmdType 'Function'; # We need to add this function for our background daemon we start with 'Start-IcingaPowerShellDaemon', # as this function is called outside the JEA context $UsedCmdlets = Get-IcingaCommandDependency ` -DependencyList $DependencyList ` -CompiledList $UsedCmdlets ` -CmdName 'Add-IcingaForWindowsDaemon' ` -CmdType 'Function'; # Finally loop through all commands again and build our JEA command list $DeserializedFile = Read-IcingaPowerShellModuleFile -FileContent $ModuleContent; [array]$JeaCmds = $DeserializedFile.CommandList + $DeserializedFile.FunctionList; foreach ($cmd in $JeaCmds) { $Progress = Write-IcingaProgressStatus -Message 'Compiling JEA Profile Catalog' -CurrentValue $Progress -MaxValue $JeaCmds.Count -Details; $CmdData = Get-Command $cmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($null -eq $CmdData) { continue; } $CommandType = ([string]$CmdData.CommandType).Replace(' ', ''); $UsedCmdlets = Get-IcingaCommandDependency ` -DependencyList $DependencyList ` -CompiledList $UsedCmdlets ` -CmdName $cmd ` -CmdType $CommandType; } Disable-IcingaProgressPreference; return $UsedCmdlets; } |