function Test-IcingaAgent() { $IcingaAgentData = Get-IcingaAgentInstallation; $AgentServicePresent = Get-Service 'icinga2' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($IcingaAgentData.Installed -And $null -ne $AgentServicePresent) { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'Passed' -Message 'Icinga Agent service is installed'; } elseif ($IcingaAgentData.Installed -And $null -eq $AgentServicePresent) { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'Failed' -Message 'Icinga Agent service is not installed'; } elseif ($IcingaAgentData.Installed -eq $FALSE -And $null -ne $AgentServicePresent) { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'Failed' -Message 'Icinga Agent service is still present, while Icinga Agent itself is not installed.'; } elseif ($IcingaAgentData.Installed -eq $FALSE -And $null -eq $AgentServicePresent) { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'Passed' -Message 'Icinga Agent is not installed and service is not present.'; } Test-IcingaAgentServicePermission | Out-Null; Test-IcingaAcl "$Env:ProgramData\icinga2\etc" -WriteOutput | Out-Null; Test-IcingaAcl "$Env:ProgramData\icinga2\var" -WriteOutput | Out-Null; Test-IcingaAcl (Get-IcingaCacheDir) -WriteOutput | Out-Null; Test-IcingaAcl (Get-IcingaPowerShellConfigDir) -WriteOutput | Out-Null; Test-IcingaAcl -Directory (Join-Path -Path (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath) -ChildPath 'certificate') -WriteOutput | Out-Null;; if ($IcingaAgentData.Installed) { Test-IcingaAgentConfig | Out-Null; if (Test-IcingaAgentFeatureEnabled -Feature 'debuglog') { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'Warning' -Message 'The debug log of the Icinga Agent is enabled. Please keep in mind to disable it once testing is done, as a huge amount of data is generated' } else { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'Passed' -Message 'Icinga Agent debug log is disabled' } } } |