function Write-IcingaDeprecated() { param ( [string]$Function, [string]$Argument ); if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Function)) { return; } $Message = 'The called function or method "{0}" is deprecated. Please update your component or contact the developer to update the component accordingly.'; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Argument) -eq $FALSE) { $Message = 'The function or method "{0}" is called with deprecated argument "{1}". Please update your component or contact the developer to update the component accordingly.'; } Write-IcingaConsoleOutput ` -Message $Message ` -Objects $Function, $Argument ` -ForeColor 'Cyan' ` -Severity 'Deprecated'; Write-IcingaEventMessage -EventId 1001 -Namespace 'Framework' -Objects ` ([string]::Format('Command or Method: {0}', $Function)), ([string]::Format('Argument: {0}', $Argument)), (Get-PSCallStack); } |