
   Used to convert an IPv4 address to binary.
   ConvertTo-IcingaIPv6 returns a binary string based on the given IPv4 address.

   More Information on
   This module is intended to be used to convert an IPv4 address to binary string. Its recommended to use ConvertTo-IcingaIPBinaryString as a smart function instead.
   Used to specify an IPv4 address.


function ConvertTo-IcingaIPv4BinaryString()

    try {
        $IP = $IP -split '\.' | ForEach-Object {
            [System.Convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');
        $IP = $IP -join '';
        $IP = $IP -replace '\s', '';
    } catch {
        # Todo: Should we handle errors? It might happen due to faulty routes or unhandled route config
        # we throw errors which should have no effect at all
        return $null;

    return @{
        'value' = $IP;
        'name'  = 'IPv4'