
    Uninstalls every PowerShell module within the icinga-powershell-* namespace
    including the Icinga Agent with all components (like certificates) as well as
    the Icinga for Windows service and the Icinga PowerShell Framework.
    Uninstalls every PowerShell module within the icinga-powershell-* namespace
    including the Icinga Agent with all components (like certificates) as well as
    the Icinga for Windows service and the Icinga PowerShell Framework.
    Uninstalls every PowerShell module within the icinga-powershell-* namespace
    including the Icinga Agent with all components (like certificates) as well as
    the Icinga for Windows service and the Icinga PowerShell Framework.
    Suppress the question if you are sure to uninstall everything

function Uninstall-IcingaForWindows()
    param (
        [switch]$Force = $FALSE

    $ModuleList      = Get-Module 'icinga-powershell-*' -ListAvailable;
    [string]$Modules = [string]::Join(', ', $ModuleList.Name);

    if ($Force -eq $FALSE) {
        Write-IcingaConsoleWarning -Message 'You are about to uninstall the Icinga Agent with all components (including certificates) and all Icinga for Windows Components: {0}{1}Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/N)' -Objects $Modules, (New-IcingaNewLine);
        $Input = Read-Host 'Confirm uninstall';
        if ($input -ne 'y') {

    $CurrentLocation = Get-Location;

    if ($CurrentLocation -eq (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath)) {
        Set-Location -Path (Get-IcingaForWindowsRootPath);

    Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Uninstalling Icinga for Windows from this host';
    Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Uninstalling Icinga Agent';
    Uninstall-IcingaAgent -RemoveDataFolder | Out-Null;
    Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Uninstalling Icinga for Windows service';
    Uninstall-IcingaFrameworkService | Out-Null;

    $HasErrors = $FALSE;

    foreach ($module in $ModuleList.Name) {
        [string]$ModuleName = $module.Replace('icinga-powershell-', '');

        if ((Uninstall-IcingaFrameworkComponent -Name $ModuleName)) {

        $HasErrors = $TRUE;

    Remove-Module 'icinga-powershell-framework' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;

    if ($HasErrors) {
        Write-IcingaConsoleWarning 'Not all components could be removed. Please ensure no other PowerShell/Application is currently open and accessing Icinga for Windows files';
    } else {
        Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Icinga for Windows was removed from this host.';