
    Allows to query Wmi information by either using Wmi directly or Cim. This provides a save handling
    to call Wmi classes, as we are catching possible errors including missing permissions for better
    and improved error output during plugin execution.
    Allows to query Wmi information by either using Wmi directly or Cim. This provides a save handling
    to call Wmi classes, as we are catching possible errors including missing permissions for better
    and improved error output during plugin execution.
    The Wmi class to fetch information from
    Allows to filter only for specific Wmi information. The syntax is identical to Get-WmiObject and Get-CimInstance
.PARAMETER Namespace
    The Wmi namespace to lookup additional information. The syntax is identical to Get-WmiObject and Get-CimInstance
    Forces the usage of `Get-WmiObject` instead of `Get-CimInstance`
    PS>Get-IcingaWindowsInformation -ClassName Win32_Service;
    PS>Get-IcingaWindowsInformation -ClassName Win32_Service -ForceWMI;
    PS>Get-IcingaWindowsInformation -ClassName MSFT_NetAdapter -NameSpace 'root\StandardCimv2';
    PS>Get-IcingaWindowsInformation Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter 'DriveType = 3';

function Get-IcingaWindowsInformation()
    param (
        [switch]$ForceWMI  = $FALSE

    $Arguments = @{
        'ClassName' = $ClassName;

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -eq $FALSE) {
            'Filter', $Filter
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Namespace) -eq $FALSE) {
            'Namespace', $Namespace

    if ($ForceWMI -eq $FALSE -And (Get-Command 'Get-CimInstance' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        try {
            $CimData = (Get-CimInstance @Arguments -ErrorAction Stop);

            Write-IcingaDebugMessage 'Debug output for "Get-IcingaWindowsInformation::Get-CimInstance"' -Objects $ClassName, $Filter, $Namespace, ($CimData | Out-String);

            return $CimData;
        } catch {
            $ErrorName    = $_.Exception.NativeErrorCode;
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message;
            $ErrorCode    = $_.Exception.StatusCode;

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Namespace)) {
                $Namespace = 'root/cimv2';

            switch ($ErrorCode) {
                # Permission error
                2 {
                    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Permission' -ExceptionThrown $IcingaExceptions.Permission.CimInstance -CustomMessage ([string]::Format('Class: "{0}", Namespace: "{1}"', $ClassName, $Namespace)) -Force;
                # InvalidClass
                5 {
                    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Input' -ExceptionThrown $IcingaExceptions.Inputs.CimClassNameUnknown -CustomMessage $ClassName -Force;
                # All other errors
                default {
                    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Custom' -InputString $ErrorMessage -CustomMessage ([string]::Format('CimInstanceUnhandledError: Class "{0}": Error "{1}": Id "{2}"', $ClassName, $ErrorName, $ErrorCode)) -Force;

    if ((Get-Command 'Get-WmiObject' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        try {
            $WmiData = (Get-WmiObject @Arguments -ErrorAction Stop);

            Write-IcingaDebugMessage 'Debug output for "Get-IcingaWindowsInformation::Get-WmiObject"' -Objects $ClassName, $Filter, $Namespace, ($WmiData | Out-String);

            return $WmiData;
        } catch {
            $ErrorName    = $_.CategoryInfo.Category;
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message;
            $ErrorCode    = ($_.Exception.HResult -band 0xFFFF);

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Namespace)) {
                $Namespace = 'root/cimv2';

            switch ($ErrorName) {
                # Permission error
                'InvalidOperation' {
                    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Permission' -ExceptionThrown $IcingaExceptions.Permission.WMIObject -CustomMessage ([string]::Format('Class: "{0}", Namespace: "{1}"', $ClassName, $Namespace)) -Force;
                # Invalid Class
                'InvalidType' {
                    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Input' -ExceptionThrown $IcingaExceptions.Inputs.WmiObjectClassUnknown -CustomMessage $ClassName -Force;
                # All other errors
                default {
                    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Custom' -InputString $ErrorMessage -CustomMessage ([string]::Format('WmiObjectUnhandledError: Class "{0}": Error "{1}": Id "{2}"', $ClassName, $ErrorName, $ErrorCode)) -Force;

    # Exception
    Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Custom' -InputString 'Failed to fetch Windows information by using CimInstance or WmiObject. Both commands are not present on the system.' -CustomMessage ([string]::Format('CimWmiUnhandledError: Class "{0}"', $ClassName)) -Force;