.SYNOPSIS Clears the entire content of the Icinga Agent API directory located at Program Data\icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\api\ .DESCRIPTION Clears the entire content of the Icinga Agent API directory located at Program Data\icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\api\ .FUNCTIONALITY Clears the entire content of the Icinga Agent API directory located at Program Data\icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\api\ .EXAMPLE PS>Clear-IcingaAgentApiDirectory; .EXAMPLE PS>Clear-IcingaAgentApiDirectory -Force; .PARAMETER Force In case the Icinga Agent service is running while executing the command, the force argument will ensure the service is stopped before the API directory is flushed and restarted afterwards .INPUTS System.Boolean .LINK #> function Clear-IcingaAgentApiDirectory() { param ( [switch]$Force = $FALSE ); $IcingaService = (Get-IcingaServices -Service icinga2).icinga2; $ApiDirectory = (Join-Path -Path $Env:ProgramData -ChildPath 'icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\api\'); if ((Test-Path $ApiDirectory) -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleError 'The Icinga Agent API directory is not present on this system. Please check if the Icinga Agent is installed'; return; } if ($IcingaService.configuration.Status.raw -eq 4 -And $Force -eq $FALSE) { Write-IcingaConsoleError 'The API directory can not be deleted while the Icinga Agent is running. Use the "-Force" argument to stop the service, flush the directory and restart the service again.'; return; } if ($IcingaService.configuration.Status.raw -eq 4) { Stop-IcingaService icinga2; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; } Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Flushing Icinga Agent API directory'; Remove-ItemSecure -Path (Join-Path -Path $ApiDirectory -ChildPath '*') -Recurse -Force | Out-Null; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; if ($IcingaService.configuration.Status.raw -eq 4) { Start-IcingaService icinga2; } } |