
   Returns interface ip address, which will be used for the host object within the icinga director.
   Get-IcingaNetworkInterface returns the ip address of the interface, which will be used for the host object within the icinga director.

   More Information on
   This module is intended to be used to determine the interface ip address, during kickstart wizard, but will also function standalone.
   PS> Get-IcingaNetworkInterface ''
   PS> Get-IcingaNetworkInterface ''
   Used to specify either an IPv4, IPv6 address or an FQDN.


function Get-IcingaNetworkInterface()

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($IP)) {
        Write-IcingaConsoleError 'Please specify a valid IP-Address or FQDN';
        return $null;

    # Ensure that we can still process on older Windows system where
    # Get-NetRoute ist not available
    if ((Test-IcingaFunction 'Get-NetRoute') -eq $FALSE) {
        Write-IcingaConsoleWarning 'Your Windows system does not support "Get-NetRoute". A fallback solution is used to fetch the IP of the first Network Interface routing through'
        return (Get-IcingaNetworkRoute).Interface;

    try {
        [array]$IP = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($IP)).IPAddressToString;
    } catch {
        Write-IcingaConsoleError 'Invalid IP was provided!';
        return $null;

    $IPBinStringMaster = ConvertTo-IcingaIPBinaryString -IP $IP;


    $InterfaceInfo = Get-NetRoute;
    $Counter = 0;

    foreach ( $Info in $InterfaceInfo ) {

        $Divide   = $Info.DestinationPrefix;
        $IP, $Mask = $Divide.Split('/');

        foreach ($destinationIP in $IPBinStringMaster) {
            [string]$Key     = '';
            [string]$MaskKey = '';
            <# IPv4 #>
            if ($ -eq 'IPv4') {
                if ($IP -like '*.*') {
                    if ([int]$Mask -lt 10) {
                        $MaskKey = [string]::Format('00{0}', $Mask);
                    } else {
                        $MaskKey = [string]::Format('0{0}', $Mask);
            <# IPv6 #>
            if ($ -eq 'IPv6') {
                if ($IP -like '*:*') {
                    if ([int]$Mask -lt 10) {
                        $MaskKey = [string]::Format('00{0}', $Mask);
                    } elseif ([int]$Mask -lt 100) {
                        $MaskKey = [string]::Format('0{0}', $Mask);
                    } else {
                        $MaskKey = $Mask;

            $Key = [string]::Format('{0}-{1}', $MaskKey, $Counter);

            if ($InterfaceData.ContainsKey($Key)) {

                $Key, @{
                    'Binary IP String' = (ConvertTo-IcingaIPBinaryString -IP $IP).value;
                    'Mask'             = $Mask;
                    'Interface'        = $Info.ifIndex;

    $InterfaceDataOrdered = $InterfaceData.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending;
    $ExternalInterfaces   = @{};

    foreach ( $Route in $InterfaceDataOrdered ) {
        foreach ($destinationIP in $IPBinStringMaster) {
            [string]$RegexPattern = [string]::Format("^.{{{0}}}", $Route.Value.Mask);
            [string]$ToBeMatched = $Route.Value."Binary IP String";
            if ($null -eq $ToBeMatched) {

            $Match1=[regex]::Matches($ToBeMatched, $RegexPattern).Value;
            $Match2=[regex]::Matches($destinationIP.Value, $RegexPattern).Value;

            If ($Match1 -like $Match2) {
                $ExternalInterface = ((Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $Route.Value.Interface -AddressFamily $destinationIP.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).IPAddress);

                # If no interface was found -> skip this entry
                if ($null -eq $ExternalInterface) {

                if ($ExternalInterfaces.ContainsKey($ExternalInterface)) {
                    $ExternalInterfaces[$ExternalInterface].count += 1;
                } else {
                            'count' = 1

    if ($ExternalInterfaces.Count -eq 0) {
        foreach ($destinationIP in $IPBinStringMaster) {
            $ExternalInterface = ((Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetRoute | Where-Object -Property DestinationPrefix -Like '')[0].IfIndex -AddressFamily $'%')[0];
            if ($ExternalInterfaces.ContainsKey($ExternalInterface)) {
                $ExternalInterfaces[$ExternalInterface].count += 1;
            } else {
                        'count' = 1

    $InternalCount        = 0;
    [array]$UseInterface  = @();
    foreach ($interface in $ExternalInterfaces.Keys) {
        $currentCount = $ExternalInterfaces[$interface].count;
        if ($currentCount -gt $InternalCount) {
            $InternalCount = $currentCount;
            $UseInterface += $interface;

    # In case we found multiple interfaces, fallback to our
    # 'route print' function and return this interface instead
    if ($UseInterface.Count -ne 1) {
        return (Get-IcingaNetworkRoute).Interface;

    return $UseInterface[0];