Import-IcingaLib icinga\enums; Import-IcingaLib core\tools; function New-IcingaCheckPackage() { param( [string]$Name, [switch]$OperatorAnd, [switch]$OperatorOr, [switch]$OperatorNone, [int]$OperatorMin = -1, [int]$OperatorMax = -1, [array]$Checks = @(), [int]$Verbose = 0, [switch]$IgnoreEmptyPackage = $FALSE, [switch]$Hidden = $FALSE ); $Check = New-Object -TypeName PSObject; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'name' -Value $Name; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'exitcode' -Value -1; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'verbose' -Value $Verbose; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'hidden' -Value $Hidden; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ignoreemptypackage' -Value $IgnoreEmptyPackage; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'checks' -Value $Checks; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'opand' -Value $OperatorAnd; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'opor' -Value $OperatorOr; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'opnone' -Value $OperatorNone; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'opmin' -Value $OperatorMin; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'opmax' -Value $OperatorMax; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'spacing' -Value 0; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'compiled' -Value $FALSE; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'perfdata' -Value $FALSE; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'checkcommand' -Value ''; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'headermsg' -Value ''; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'checkpackage' -Value $TRUE; $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'warningchecks' -Value @(); $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'criticalchecks' -Value @(); $Check | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'unknownchecks' -Value @(); $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'HasChecks' -Value { if ($this.checks -ne 0) { return $TRUE } return $FALSE; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'Initialise' -Value { foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $this.InitCheck($check); } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'InitCheck' -Value { param($check); if ($null -eq $check) { return; } $check.verbose = $this.verbose; $check.AddSpacing(); $check.SilentCompile(); } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'AddSpacing' -Value { $this.spacing += 1; foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $check.spacing = $this.spacing; $check.AddSpacing(); } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'AddCheck' -Value { param($check); if ($null -eq $check) { return; } $this.InitCheck($check); $this.checks += $check; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetWarnings' -Value { foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $this.warningchecks += $check.GetWarnings(); } return $this.warningchecks; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetCriticals' -Value { foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $this.criticalchecks += $check.GetCriticals(); } return $this.criticalchecks; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetUnknowns' -Value { foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $this.unknownchecks += $check.GetUnknowns(); } return $this.unknownchecks; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'AssignCheckCommand' -Value { param($CheckCommand); $this.checkcommand = $CheckCommand; foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $check.AssignCheckCommand($CheckCommand); } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'Compile' -Value { param([bool]$Verbose); if ($this.compiled) { return; } $this.compiled = $TRUE; if ($this.checks.Count -ne 0) { if ($this.opand) { if ($this.CheckAllOk() -eq $FALSE) { $this.GetWorstExitCode(); } } elseif ($this.opor) { if ($this.CheckOneOk() -eq $FALSE) { $this.GetWorstExitCode(); } } elseif ($this.opnone) { if ($this.CheckOneOk() -eq $TRUE) { $this.GetWorstExitCode(); $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Critical; } else { $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok; } } elseif ([int]$this.opmin -ne -1) { if ($this.CheckMinimumOk() -eq $FALSE) { $this.GetWorstExitCode(); } else { $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok; } } elseif ([int]$this.opmax -ne -1) { if ($this.CheckMaximumOk() -eq $FALSE) { $this.GetWorstExitCode(); } else { $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok; } } } else { if ($this.ignoreemptypackage) { $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok; } else { $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; } } if ([int]$this.exitcode -eq -1) { $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok; } if ($Verbose -eq $TRUE) { $this.PrintOutputMessages(); } return $this.exitcode; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'SilentCompile' -Value { $this.Compile($FALSE) | Out-Null; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetOkCount' -Value { [int]$okCount = 0; foreach ($check in $this.checks) { if ([int]$check.exitcode -eq [int]$IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok) { $okCount += 1; } } return $okCount; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'CheckMinimumOk' -Value { if ($this.opmin -gt $this.checks.Count) { Write-IcingaPluginOutput ( [string]::Format( 'Unknown: The minimum argument ({0}) is exceeding the amount of assigned checks ({1}) to this package "{2}"', $this.opmin, $this.checks.Count, $ ) ); $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; return $FALSE; } [int]$okCount = $this.GetOkCount(); if ($this.opmin -le $okCount) { return $TRUE; } return $FALSE; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'CheckMaximumOk' -Value { if ($this.opmax -gt $this.checks.Count) { Write-IcingaPluginOutput ( [string]::Format( 'Unknown: The maximum argument ({0}) is exceeding the amount of assigned checks ({1}) to this package "{2}"', $this.opmax, $this.checks.Count, $ ) ); $this.exitcode = $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown; return $FALSE; } [int]$okCount = $this.GetOkCount(); if ($this.opmax -ge $okCount) { return $TRUE; } return $FALSE; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'CheckAllOk' -Value { foreach ($check in $this.checks) { if ([int]$check.exitcode -ne [int]$IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok) { return $FALSE; } } return $TRUE; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'CheckOneOk' -Value { foreach ($check in $this.checks) { if ([int]$check.exitcode -eq [int]$IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok) { $this.exitcode = $check.exitcode; return $TRUE; } } return $FALSE; } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetPackageConfigMessage' -Value { if ($this.opand) { return 'Match All'; } elseif ($this.opor) { return 'Match Any'; } elseif ($this.opnone) { return 'Match None'; } elseif ([int]$this.opmin -ne -1) { return [string]::Format('Minimum {0}', $this.opmin) } elseif ([int]$this.opmax -ne -1) { return [string]::Format('Maximum {0}', $this.opmax) } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'PrintOutputMessageSorted' -Value { param($skipHidden, $skipExitCode); if ($this.hidden -And $skipHidden) { return; } [hashtable]$MessageOrdering = @{}; foreach ($check in $this.checks) { if ($this.verbose -eq 0) { if ([int]$check.exitcode -eq $skipExitCode) { continue; } } elseif ($this.verbose -eq 1) { if ([int]$check.exitcode -eq $skipExitCode -And $check.checkpackage) { continue; } } if ($MessageOrdering.ContainsKey($check.Name) -eq $FALSE) { $MessageOrdering.Add($, $check); } else { [int]$DuplicateKeyIndex = 1; while ($TRUE) { $newCheckName = [string]::Format('{0}[{1}]', $check.Name, $DuplicateKeyIndex); if ($MessageOrdering.ContainsKey($newCheckName) -eq $FALSE) { $MessageOrdering.Add($newCheckName, $check); break; } $DuplicateKeyIndex += 1; } } } $SortedArray = $MessageOrdering.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object name; foreach ($entry in $SortedArray) { $entry.Value.PrintAllMessages(); } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'WriteAllOutput' -Value { $this.PrintOutputMessageSorted($TRUE, $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok); } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'PrintAllMessages' -Value { $this.WritePackageOutputStatus(); $this.WriteAllOutput(); } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'WriteCheckErrors' -Value { $this.PrintOutputMessageSorted($FALSE, $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok); } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'PrintNoChecksConfigured' -Value { if ($this.checks.Count -eq 0) { Write-IcingaPluginOutput ( [string]::Format( '{0}{1} No checks configured for package "{2}"', (New-StringTree ($this.spacing + 1)), $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCodeText.($this.exitcode), $ ) ) return; } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'WritePackageOutputStatus' -Value { if ($this.hidden) { return; } [string]$outputMessage = '{0}{1} Check package "{2}"'; if ($this.verbose -ne 0) { $outputMessage += ' ({3})'; } if ($this.exitcode -ne 0 -And $this.spacing -eq 0) { $outputMessage += ' - {4}'; } Write-IcingaPluginOutput ( [string]::Format( $outputMessage, (New-StringTree $this.spacing), $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCodeText.($this.exitcode), $, $this.GetPackageConfigMessage(), $this.headermsg ) ); } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'PrintOutputMessages' -Value { [bool]$printAll = $FALSE; switch ($this.verbose) { 0 { # Default value. Only print a package but not the services include break; }; 1 { # Include the Operator into the check package result and OK checks of package break; }; Default { $printAll = $TRUE; break; } } $this.WritePackageOutputStatus(); if ($printAll) { $this.WriteAllOutput(); $this.PrintNoChecksConfigured(); } else { if ([int]$this.exitcode -ne $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Ok) { $this.WriteCheckErrors(); $this.PrintNoChecksConfigured(); } } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'AddUniqueSortedChecksToHeader' -Value { param($checkarray, $state); [hashtable]$CheckHash = @{}; foreach ($entry in $checkarray) { if ($CheckHash.ContainsKey($entry) -eq $FALSE) { $CheckHash.Add($entry, $TRUE); } } [array]$SortedCheckArray = $CheckHash.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object name; if ($SortedCheckArray.Count -ne 0) { $this.headermsg += [string]::Format( '{0} {1} ', $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCodeText[$state], [string]::Join(', ', $SortedCheckArray.Key) ); } } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetWorstExitCode' -Value { if ([int]$this.exitcode -eq [int]$IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown) { return; } foreach ($check in $this.checks) { if ([int]$this.exitcode -lt $check.exitcode) { $this.exitcode = $check.exitcode; } $this.criticalchecks += $check.GetCriticals(); $this.warningchecks += $check.GetWarnings(); $this.unknownchecks += $check.GetUnknowns(); } # Only apply this to our top package if ($this.spacing -ne 0) { return; } $this.AddUniqueSortedChecksToHeader( $this.criticalchecks, $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Critical ); $this.AddUniqueSortedChecksToHeader( $this.warningchecks, $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Warning ); $this.AddUniqueSortedChecksToHeader( $this.unknownchecks, $IcingaEnums.IcingaExitCode.Unknown ); } $Check | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'GetPerfData' -Value { [string]$perfData = ''; [hashtable]$CollectedPerfData = @{}; # At first lets collect all perf data, but ensure we only add possible label duplication only once foreach ($check in $this.checks) { $data = $check.GetPerfData(); if ($null -eq $data -Or $null -eq $data.label) { continue; } if ($CollectedPerfData.ContainsKey($data.label)) { continue; } $CollectedPerfData.Add($data.label, $data); } # Now sort the label output by name $SortedArray = $CollectedPerfData.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object name; # Buold the performance data output based on the sorted result foreach ($entry in $SortedArray) { $perfData += $entry.Value; } return @{ 'label' = $; 'perfdata' = $CollectedPerfData; 'package' = $TRUE; } } $Check.Initialise(); return $Check; } |