<# .SYNOPSIS Download a PowerShell Module from a custom source or from GitHub by providing a repository and the user space .DESCRIPTION Download a PowerShell Module from a custom source or from GitHub by providing a repository and the user space .FUNCTIONALITY Download and install a PowerShell module from a custom or GitHub source .EXAMPLE PS>Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleArchive -ModuleName 'Plugins' -Repository 'icinga-powershell-plugins' -Release 1; .EXAMPLE PS>Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleArchive -ModuleName 'Plugins' -Repository 'icinga-powershell-plugins' -Release 1 -DryRun 1; .PARAMETER DownloadUrl The Url to a ZIP-Archive to download from (skips the wizard) .PARAMETER ModuleName The name which is used inside output messages .PARAMETER Repository The repository to download the ZIP-Archive from .PARAMETER GitHubUser The user from which a repository is downloaded from .PARAMETER Release Download the latest release .PARAMETER Snapshot Download the latest package from the master branch .PARAMETER DryRun Only return the finished build Url including the version to install but do not modify the system in any way .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.Hashtable .LINK #> function Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleArchive() { param( [string]$DownloadUrl = '', [string]$ModuleName = '', [string]$Repository = '', [string]$GitHubUser = 'Icinga', [bool]$Release = $FALSE, [bool]$Snapshot = $FALSE, [bool]$DryRun = $FALSE ); Set-IcingaTLSVersion; $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; $Tag = 'master'; [bool]$SkipRepo = $FALSE; if ($Release -Or $Snapshot) { $SkipRepo = $TRUE; } # Fix TLS errors while connecting to GitHub with old PowerShell versions [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11"; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DownloadUrl)) { if ($SkipRepo -Or (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Do you provide a custom repository for "{0}"?', $ModuleName)) -Default 'n').result -eq 1) { if ($Release -eq $FALSE -And $Snapshot -eq $FALSE) { $branch = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Which version of the "{0}" do you want to install? (release/snapshot)', $ModuleName)) -Default 'v' -DefaultInput 'release').answer; } elseif ($Release) { $branch = 'release'; } else { $branch = 'snapshot' } if ($branch.ToLower() -eq 'snapshot') { $DownloadUrl = [string]::Format('{0}/{1}/archive/', $GitHubUser, $Repository); } else { try { $LatestRelease = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ([string]::Format('{0}/{1}/releases/latest', $GitHubUser, $Repository)) -UseBasicParsing).BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri; $DownloadUrl = $LatestRelease.Replace('/releases/tag/', '/archive/'); $Tag = $DownloadUrl.Split('/')[-1]; } catch { Write-IcingaConsoleError -Message 'Failed to fetch latest release for "{0}" from GitHub. Either the module or the GitHub account do not exist' -Objects $ModuleName; } $DownloadUrl = [string]::Format('{0}/{1}.zip', $DownloadUrl, $Tag); $CurrentVersion = Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleVersion $Repository; if ($null -ne $CurrentVersion -And $CurrentVersion -eq $Tag) { Write-IcingaConsoleNotice -Message 'Your "{0}" is already up-to-date' -Objects $ModuleName; return @{ 'DownloadUrl' = $DownloadUrl; 'Version' = $Tag; 'Directory' = ''; 'Archive' = ''; 'ModuleRoot' = (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath); 'Installed' = $FALSE; }; } } } else { $DownloadUrl = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Please enter the full path of the custom repository for the "{0}" (location of zip file)', $ModuleName)) -Default 'v').answer; } } if ($DryRun) { return @{ 'DownloadUrl' = $DownloadUrl; 'Version' = $Tag; 'Directory' = ''; 'Archive' = ''; 'ModuleRoot' = (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath); 'Installed' = $FALSE; }; } try { $DownloadDirectory = New-IcingaTemporaryDirectory; $DownloadDestination = (Join-Path -Path $DownloadDirectory -ChildPath ([string]::Format('{0}.zip', $Repository))); Write-IcingaConsoleNotice ([string]::Format('Downloading "{0}" into "{1}"', $ModuleName, $DownloadDirectory)); Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DownloadUrl -OutFile $DownloadDestination; } catch { Write-IcingaConsoleError ([string]::Format('Failed to download "{0}" into "{1}". Starting cleanup process', $ModuleName, $DownloadDirectory)); Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; Remove-Item -Path $DownloadDirectory -Recurse -Force; Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'Starting to re-run the download wizard'; return Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleArchive -ModuleName $ModuleName -Repository $Repository; } return @{ 'DownloadUrl' = $DownloadUrl; 'Version' = $Tag; 'Directory' = $DownloadDirectory; 'Archive' = $DownloadDestination; 'ModuleRoot' = (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath); 'Installed' = $TRUE; }; } |