function Read-IcingaRESTMessage() { param( [string]$RestMessage = $null, [hashtable]$Connection = $null ); # Just in case we didnt receive anything - no need to # parse through everything if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RestMessage)) { return $null; } Write-IcingaDebugMessage ( [string]::Format( 'Receiving client message{0}{0}{1}', (New-IcingaNewline), $RestMessage ) ); [hashtable]$Request = @{}; $RestMessage -match '(.+) (.+) (.+)' | Out-Null; $Request.Add('Method', $Matches[1]); $Request.Add('FullRequest', $Matches[2]); $Request.Add('RequestPath', @{}); $Request.Add('RequestArguments', @{}); #Path $PathMatch = $Matches[2]; $PathMatch -match '((\/[^\/\?]+)*)\??([^\/]*)' | Out-Null; $Arguments = $Matches[3]; $Request.RequestPath.Add('FullPath', $Matches[1]); $Request.RequestPath.Add('PathArray', $Matches[1].TrimStart('/').Split('/')); $Matches = $null; # Arguments $ArgumentsSplit = $Arguments.Split('&'); $ArgumentsSplit+='\\\\\\\\\\\\=FIN'; foreach ( $Argument in $ArgumentsSplit | Sort-Object -descending) { if ($Argument.Contains('=')) { $Argument -match '(.+)=(.+)' | Out-Null; If (($Matches[1] -ne $Current) -And ($NULL -ne $Current)) { $Request.RequestArguments.Add( $Current, $ArgumentContent ); [array]$ArgumentContent = $null; } $Current = $Matches[1]; [array]$ArgumentContent += ($Matches[2]); } else { $Request.RequestArguments.Add( $Argument, $null ); } } # Header $Request.Add( 'Header', @{} ); $SplitString = $RestMessage.split("`r`n"); foreach ( $SingleString in $SplitString ) { if ( ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SingleString) -eq $FALSE) -And ($SingleString -match '^{.+' -eq $FALSE) ) { $SingleSplitString = $SingleString.Split(':',2); $Request.Header.Add( $SingleSplitString[0], $SingleSplitString[1].Trim()); } } $Request.Add('ContentLength', [int](Get-IcingaRESTHeaderValue -Header 'Content-Length' -Request $Request)); $Matches = $null; # Body $RestMessage -match '(\{(.*\n)*}|\{.*\})' | Out-Null; $Request.Add('Body', $Matches[1]); # We received a content length, but couldnt load the body. Some clients will send the body as separate message # Lets try to read the body content if ($null -ne $Connection) { if ($Request.ContainsKey('ContentLength') -And $Request.ContentLength -gt 0 -And ($Request.ContainsKey('Body') -eq $FALSE -Or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Request.Body))) { $Request.Body = Read-IcingaTCPStream -Client $Connection.Client -Stream $Connection.Stream -ReadLength $Request.ContentLength; Write-IcingaDebugMessage -Message 'Body Content' -Objects $Request; } } return $Request; } |