function Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleArchive() { param( [string]$DownloadUrl = '', [string]$ModuleName = '', [string]$Repository = '' ); $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; $Tag = 'master'; # Fix TLS errors while connecting to GitHub with old PowerShell versions [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11"; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DownloadUrl)) { if ((Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Do you provide a custom repository for "{0}"?', $ModuleName)) -Default 'n').result -eq 1) { $branch = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt 'Which version to you want to install? (snapshot/stable)' -Default 'v' -DefaultInput 'stable').answer if ($branch.ToLower() -eq 'snapshot') { $DownloadUrl = [string]::Format('{0}/archive/', $Repository); } else { $LatestRelease = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ([string]::Format('{0}/releases/latest', $Repository)) -UseBasicParsing).BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri; $DownloadUrl = $LatestRelease.Replace('/releases/tag/', '/archive/'); $Tag = $DownloadUrl.Split('/')[-1]; $DownloadUrl = [string]::Format('{0}/{1}.zip', $DownloadUrl, $Tag); $CurrentVersion = Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleVersion $Repository; if ($null -ne $CurrentVersion -And $CurrentVersion -eq $Tag) { Write-Host ([string]::Format('Your "{0}" is already up-to-date', $ModuleName)); return @{ 'DownloadUrl' = $DownloadUrl; 'Version' = $Tag; 'Directory' = ''; 'Archive' = ''; 'ModuleRoot' = (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath); 'Installed' = $FALSE; }; } } } else { $DownloadUrl = (Get-IcingaAgentInstallerAnswerInput -Prompt ([string]::Format('Please enter the full Url to your "{0}" Zip-Archive', $ModuleName)) -Default 'v').answer; } } try { $DownloadDirectory = New-IcingaTemporaryDirectory; $DownloadDestination = (Join-Path -Path $DownloadDirectory -ChildPath ([string]::Format('{0}.zip', $Repository))); Write-Host ([string]::Format('Downloading "{0}" into "{1}"', $ModuleName, $DownloadDirectory)); Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $DownloadUrl -OutFile $DownloadDestination; } catch { Write-Host ([string]::Format('Failed to download "{0}" into "{1}". Starting cleanup process', $ModuleName, $DownloadDirectory)); Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; Remove-Item -Path $DownloadDirectory -Recurse -Force; Write-Host 'Starting to re-run the download wizard'; return Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleArchive -ModuleName $ModuleName -Repository $Repository; } return @{ 'DownloadUrl' = $DownloadUrl; 'Version' = $Tag; 'Directory' = $DownloadDirectory; 'Archive' = $DownloadDestination; 'ModuleRoot' = (Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath); 'Installed' = $TRUE; }; } |