function Test-IcingaAcl() { param( [string]$Directory, [switch]$WriteOutput ); if (-Not (Test-Path $Directory)) { throw 'The specified directory was not found'; } $FolderACL = Get-Acl $Directory; $ServiceUser = Get-IcingaServiceUser; $UserFound = $FALSE; $HasAccess = $FALSE; foreach ($user in $FolderACL.Access) { # Not only check here for the exact name but also for included strings like NT AU or NT-AU or even further later on # As the Get-Acl Cmdlet will translate usernames into the own language, resultng in 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService' being translated # to 'NT-AUTORITÄT\Netzwerkdienst' for example if ($user.IdentityReference -like "*$ServiceUser" -Or ($ServiceUser -Like '*NT AU*' -And ($user.IdentityReference -Like '*NT AU*' -Or $user.IdentityReference -Like '*NT-AU*'))) { $UserFound = $TRUE; if ($user.FileSystemRights -Like '*Modify*' -And $user.FileSystemRights -Like '*Synchronize*') { $HasAccess = $TRUE; } } } if ($WriteOutput) { [string]$messageFormat = 'Directory "{0}" {1} by the Icinga Service User "{2}"'; if ($UserFound) { if ($HasAccess) { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'PASSED' -Message ([string]::Format($messageFormat, $Directory, 'is accessible and writeable', $ServiceUser)); } else { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'FAILED' -Message ([string]::Format($messageFormat, $Directory, 'is accessible but NOT writeable', $ServiceUser)); Write-Host "\_ Please run the following command to fix this issue: Set-IcingaAcl -Directory '$Directory'"; } } else { Write-IcingaTestOutput -Severity 'FAILED' -Message ([string]::Format($messageFormat, $Directory, 'is not accessible', $ServiceUser)); Write-Host "\_ Please run the following command to fix this issue: Set-IcingaAcl -Directory '$Directory'"; } } return $UserFound; } |