function Disable-IcingaFirewall() { param( [switch]$LegacyOnly ); $FirewallConfig = Get-IcingaFirewallConfig -NoOutput; if ($FirewallConfig.LegacyFirewall) { $Firewall = Start-IcingaProcess -Executable 'netsh' -Arguments 'advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Icinga 2 Agent Inbound by PS-Module"'; if ($Firewall.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host ([string]::Format('Failed to remove legacy firewall: {0}{1}', $Firewall.Message, $Firewall.Error)); } else { Write-Host 'Successfully removed legacy Firewall rule'; } } if ($LegacyOnly) { return; } if ($FirewallConfig.IcingaFirewall) { $Firewall = Start-IcingaProcess -Executable 'netsh' -Arguments 'advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Icinga Agent Inbound"'; if ($Firewall.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host ([string]::Format('Failed to remove Icinga firewall: {0}{1}', $Firewall.Message, $Firewall.Error)); } else { Write-Host 'Successfully removed Icinga Firewall rule'; } } } |