
function Convert-RecordsToBloxOne {
        Provides a simple way to convert NIOS Record Object data to BloxOne CSV Import Format

        This function accepts NIOS Record Objects either through -Object or via Pipeline. This can be any of the 'record:X' object types or supported data from the 'allrecords' object type.

    .PARAMETER Object
        The NIOS Record Object(s) to convert to BloxOne CSV format. Accepts pipeline input from 'Get-NIOSObject'.

        This provides a way to override the BloxOne DNS View name which will be used when converting. By default, the NIOS Network View name is used.

    .PARAMETER ReturnType
        The results type to return. This can be Object, CSV or JSON. Object/JSON are convenience features only. CSV is currently the only output that is supported by BloxOne Data Import.

        PS> Get-NIOSObject -ObjectType allrecords -Filters 'zone=mydomain.corp' -AllFields | Convert-RecordsToBloxOne


        ## Using -DNSView to override the view name

        PS> Get-NIOSObject -ObjectType allrecords -Filters 'zone=mydomain.corp' -AllFields | Convert-RecordsToBloxOne -DNSView 'Corporate'


        Get-NIOSObject -ObjectType allrecords -Filters 'zone=mydomain.corp' -AllFields | Convert-RecordsToBloxOne | Out-File ./records.csv




        [String]$ReturnType = 'CSV'

    begin {
        $Results = @()

    process {

        ForEach ($Record in $Object) {
            $ObjRefType = ($Record._ref -split '/')[0]

            ## Clear Vals
            $Key = $null
            $RDATA = $null

            ## Set DNS View
            if (!($DNSView)) {
                $DNSView = $Record.view

            if ($ObjRefType -eq 'allrecords') {
                ## allrecords objects
                if ($Record.type -eq 'UNSUPPORTED') {
                    Write-Warning "Skipping UNSUPPORTED Record: $($$($"
                $Type = ($Record.type -split ':')[1]

                $Key = @(
            } else {
                ## All standard record objects
                $Type = ($ObjRefType -split ':')[1]
                if ($Type -eq 'UNSUPPORTED') {
                $Key = @(

            Switch($Type) {
                'A' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'address' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.address } else { $Record.ipv4addr })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'AAAA' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'address' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.address } else { $Record.ipv6addr })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'CAA' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'flags' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { <# allrecords Not Supported for CAA #> } else { $Record.ca_flag })
                        'tag' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { <# allrecords Not Supported for CAA #> } else { $Record.ca_tag })
                        'value' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { <# allrecords Not Supported for CAA #> } else { $Record.ca_value })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'CNAME' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'cname' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.canonical } else { $Record.dns_canonical })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'DNAME' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'target' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $ } else { $Record.dns_target })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'MX' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'exchange' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.mail_exchanger } else { $Record.dns_mail_exchanger })
                        'preference' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.preference } else { $Record.preference })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'NAPTR' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'flags' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { <# allrecords does not return flags value #> } else { $Record.flags })
                        'order' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.order } else { $Record.order })
                        'preference' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.preference } else { $Record.preference })
                        'regexp' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.regexp } else { $Record.regexp })
                        'replacement' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.replacement } else { $Record.replacement })
                        'services' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $ } else { $ })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'NS' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'dname' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { <# allrecords Not Supported for NS #> } else { $Record.nameserver })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'PTR' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'dname' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.ptrdname } else { $Record.ptrdname })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'SRV' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'priority' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.priority } else { $Record.priority })
                        'weight' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.weight } else { $Record.weight })
                        'port' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.port } else { $Record.port })
                        'target' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $ } else { $Record.dns_target })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'TXT' {
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'text' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.record.text } else { $Record.text })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'host_ipv4addr' {
                    $Key[3] = 'A'
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'address' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.address } else { $Record.address })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                'host_ipv6addr' {
                    $Key[3] = 'AAAA'
                    $RDATA = @{
                        'address' = $(if ($ObjRefType -eq 'ALLRECORDS') { $Record.address } else { $Record.address })
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
                default {
                    Write-Warning "Unsupported Record Type $($Type)"

            if ($Key) {
                if ($RDATA) {
                    $Key += "RDATA$($RDATA)RDATA"

                    $Results += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        "HEADER-dnsdata-v2-record" = "dnsdata-v2-record"
                        "key" = $($Key -join ',')
                        "name_in_zone" = $Key[2]
                        "comment" = $Record.comment
                        "disabled" = [Bool]$Record.disable
                        "zone" = "$($Key[0]),$($Key[1])"
                        "ttl" = $Record.ttl
                        "type" = $Key[3]
                        "rdata" = $($RDATA)
                        "options" = ""
                        "tags" = ""
                        "ttl_action" = ""

                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Failed to generate RDATA for the following record:"
                    Write-Warning $Record
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Failed to generate Key for the following record:"
                Write-Warning $Record

    end {
        Switch($ReturnType) {
            'Object' {
                return $Results
            'JSON' {
                Write-Warning 'The current JSON output format does not work with BloxOne import. Use CSV instead for this purpose.'
                return $Results | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
            'CSV' {
                return $Results | ConvertTo-Csv -UseQuotes AsNeeded