
function Copy-NIOSDTCToBloxOne {
        Used to migrate LBDNs from NIOS DTC to BloxOne DTC

        This function is used to automate the migration of Load Balanced DNS Names and associated objects (Pools/Servers/Health Monitors) from NIOS DTC to BloxOne DTC

        BloxOne DDI only currently supports Round Robin, Global Availability, Ratio & Toplogy Load Balancing Methods; and TCP, HTTP & ICMP Health Checks. Unsupported Load Balancing Methods will fail, but unsupported Health Checks will be skipped gracefully.

        The DNS View within BloxOne DDI in which to assign the new LBDNs to. The LBDNs will not initialise unless the zone(s) exist within the specified DNS View.

        The LBDN Name within NIOS that you would like to migrate to BloxOne DDI.

    .PARAMETER PolicyName
        Optionally specify a DTC Policy name. DTC Policies are new in BloxOne DDI, so by default they will inherit the name of the DTC LBDN if this parameter is not specified.

    .PARAMETER LBDNTransform
        Use this parameter to transform the DTC LBDN FQDN from an old to new domain.

        Example: -LBDNTransform ''

        | NIOS DTC | BloxOne DDI DTC |
        | | |

    .PARAMETER ApplyChanges
        Using this switch will apply the changes, otherwise the expected changes will just be displayed.

        PS> Copy-NIOSDTCToBloxOne -B1DNSView 'My DNS View' -NIOSLBDN 'Exchange Server' -PolicyName 'Exchange' -LBDNTransform '' -ApplyChanges

        Querying BloxOne DNS View: My DNS View
        Querying DTC LBDN: Exchange Server
        Querying DTC Pool: dtc:pool/ZG5zLmlkbnNfcG9vbCRFeGNoYW5nZSBQb29s:Exchange%20Pool
        Querying DTC Server: dtc:server/ZG5zLmlkbnNfc2VydmVyJEV4Y2hhbmdlIFNlcnZlciAx:Exchange%20Server%201
        Querying DTC Server: dtc:server/ZG5zLmlkbnNfc2VydmVyJEV4Y2hhbmdlIFNlcnZlciAy:Exchange%20Server%202
        Querying DTC Monitor: dtc:monitor:icmp/ZG5zLmlkbnNfbW9uaXRvcl9pY21wJGljbXA:icmp
        Querying DTC Monitor: dtc:monitor:http/ZG5zLmlkbnNfbW9uaXRvcl9odHRwJGh0dHBzX2V4Y2hhbmdl:https_exchange
        Querying DTC Topology Rule: dtc:topology/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3kkRXhjaGFuZ2UtVG9wb2xvZ3k:Exchange-Topology
        Querying DTC Topology Rule: dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS41NDU0NjUxOS03YzU1LTRiYTQtOGY3OS01YzQ3MTQ3MjI5YWQ:Exchange-Topology/Exchange%20Pool
        Querying DTC Topology Rule: dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS4wYmUyYjc1Yi1lYzNiLTRmZmYtYjk2MC03MzZjNDlhNTA5ODE:Exchange-Topology/Exchange%20Pool
        Querying DTC Topology Rule: dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS5mNTI2M2E5Ny1iNzJkLTQwNWQtYWZmYi1mZTE5NWJmNThhODg:Exchange-Topology/NOERR/2
        Querying DTC Topology Rule: dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS41ZjMzMjYwNy0yNDM0LTQ4Y2EtYWM4ZC1hZmUyYTA2N2VlNTQ:Exchange-Topology/NXDOMAIN/3
        Successfully created DTC Server: Exchange Server 1
        Successfully created DTC Server: Exchange Server 2
        Health Check timeout exceeds its interval, setting them to match..
        Successfully created DTC Health Check: https_exchange
        Successfully created DTC Pool: Exchange Pool
        Successfully created DTC Policy: Exchange (API Test)
        Successfully created DTC LBDN:

        PS> Copy-NIOSDTCToBloxOne -B1DNSView 'My DNS View' -NIOSLBDN 'Exchange Server' -PolicyName 'Exchange' -LBDNTransform ''

            "LBDN": [
                "Name": "",
                "Description": "Exchange Server",
                "DNSView": "My DNS View",
                "ttl": 30,
                "priority": 1,
                "persistence": 0,
                "types": [
            "Policy": {
                "Name": "Exchange",
                "LoadBalancingMethod": "topology",
                "rules": [
                    "_ref": "dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS41NDU0NjUxOS03YzU1LTRiYTQtOGY3OS01YzQ3MTQ3MjI5YWQ:Exchange-Topology/Exchange%20Pool",
                    "dest_type": "POOL",
                    "destination_link": {
                    "_ref": "dtc:pool/ZG5zLmlkbnNfcG9vbCRFeGNoYW5nZSBQb29s:Exchange%20Pool",
                    "comment": "Pool of Exchange Servers",
                    "name": "Exchange Pool"
                    "return_type": "REGULAR",
                    "sources": [
                        "source_op": "IS",
                        "source_type": "SUBNET",
                        "source_value": ""
                    "valid": true
                    "_ref": "dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS4wYmUyYjc1Yi1lYzNiLTRmZmYtYjk2MC03MzZjNDlhNTA5ODE:Exchange-Topology/Exchange%20Pool",
                    "dest_type": "POOL",
                    "destination_link": {
                    "_ref": "dtc:pool/ZG5zLmlkbnNfcG9vbCRFeGNoYW5nZSBQb29s:Exchange%20Pool",
                    "comment": "Pool of Exchange Servers",
                    "name": "Exchange Pool"
                    "return_type": "REGULAR",
                    "sources": [],
                    "valid": true,
                    "default": true
                    "_ref": "dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS5mNTI2M2E5Ny1iNzJkLTQwNWQtYWZmYi1mZTE5NWJmNThhODg:Exchange-Topology/NOERR/2",
                    "dest_type": "POOL",
                    "return_type": "NOERR",
                    "sources": [
                        "source_op": "IS",
                        "source_type": "SUBNET",
                        "source_value": ""
                    "valid": true
                    "_ref": "dtc:topology:rule/ZG5zLmlkbnNfdG9wb2xvZ3lfcnVsZSRFeGNoYW5nZS1Ub3BvbG9neS41ZjMzMjYwNy0yNDM0LTQ4Y2EtYWM4ZC1hZmUyYTA2N2VlNTQ:Exchange-Topology/NXDOMAIN/3",
                    "dest_type": "POOL",
                    "return_type": "NXDOMAIN",
                    "sources": [
                        "source_op": "IS",
                        "source_type": "SUBNET",
                        "source_value": ""
                    "valid": true
            "Pools": [
                "name": "Exchange Pool",
                "method": "ratio",
                "servers": [
                    "name": "Exchange Server 1",
                    "disable": false,
                    "address": null,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "AutoCreateResponses": true,
                    "weight": 1
                    "name": "Exchange Server 2",
                    "disable": false,
                    "address": null,
                    "fqdn": "",
                    "AutoCreateResponses": true,
                    "weight": 2
                "monitors": [
                    "_ref": "dtc:monitor:icmp/ZG5zLmlkbnNfbW9uaXRvcl9pY21wJGljbXA:icmp",
                    "comment": "Default ICMP health monitor",
                    "interval": 5,
                    "name": "icmp",
                    "retry_down": 1,
                    "retry_up": 1,
                    "timeout": 15
                    "_ref": "dtc:monitor:http/ZG5zLmlkbnNfbW9uaXRvcl9odHRwJGh0dHBzX2V4Y2hhbmdl:https_exchange",
                    "content_check": "NONE",
                    "content_check_input": "ALL",
                    "content_check_op": "EQ",
                    "content_extract_group": 0,
                    "content_extract_type": "STRING",
                    "enable_sni": false,
                    "interval": 5,
                    "name": "https_exchange",
                    "port": 443,
                    "request": "GET /owa HTTP/1.1\nConnection: close\n\n",
                    "result": "ANY",
                    "result_code": 200,
                    "retry_down": 1,
                    "retry_up": 1,
                    "secure": true,
                    "timeout": 15,
                    "validate_cert": false,
                    "results": "ANY"
                "ttl": 15,
                "ratio": 1,
                "availability": "quorum",
                "quorum": 1




    param (

    begin {
        ## Initialize Query Filters
        $InvokeOpts = Initialize-NIOSOpts $PSBoundParameters

        $MethodArr = @{
            'round_robin' = 'RoundRobin'
            'ratio' = 'Ratio'
            'global_availability' = 'GlobalAvailability'
            'topology' = 'Topology'

        $ChecksArr = @{
            'any' = 'Any'
            'all' = 'All'
            'quorum' = 'AtLeast'

    process {
        Write-Host "Querying BloxOne DNS View: $($B1DNSView)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if (!(Get-B1DNSView $B1DNSView -Strict)) {
            Write-Error "Unable to find DNS View: $($B1DNSView)"
            return $null

        Write-Host "Querying DTC LBDN: $($NIOSLBDN)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $LBDNToMigrate = Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Uri "dtc:lbdn?name=$($NIOSLBDN)&_return_fields%2b=auto_consolidated_monitors,disable,health,lb_method,name,patterns,persistence,pools,priority,types,use_ttl,ttl,topology" @InvokeOpts

        if ($LBDNToMigrate) {
            if ($LBDNToMigrate.lb_method.ToLower() -notin $MethodArr.Keys) {
                Write-Error "Unsupported LBDN Load Balancing Method ($($LBDNToMigrate.lb_method.ToLower())) for: $($NIOSLBDN)"

            $NewPools = @()
            $NewLBDNs = @()
            ## Build Pools
            foreach ($Pool in $LBDNToMigrate.pools) {
                Write-Host "Querying DTC Pool: $($Pool.pool)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                $NIOSPool = Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Uri "$($Pool.pool)?_return_fields%2b=auto_consolidated_monitors,availability,consolidated_monitors,monitors,disable,health,lb_alternate_method,lb_dynamic_ratio_alternate,lb_dynamic_ratio_preferred,lb_preferred_method,name,quorum,servers,use_ttl,ttl" @InvokeOpts
                if ($NIOSPool.lb_preferred_method.ToLower() -notin $MethodArr.Keys) {
                    Write-Error "Unsupported Pool Load Balancing Method ($($NIOSPool.lb_preferred_method.ToLower())) for: $($Pool)"
                $NewPool = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "name" = $
                    "method" = $NIOSPool.lb_preferred_method.ToLower()
                    "servers" = @()
                    "monitors" = @()
                    "ttl" = $(if ($($NIOSPool.ttl)) { $NIOSPool.ttl } else { $null } )
                    "ratio" = $Pool.ratio
                    "availability" = $NIOSPool.availability.toLower()
                    "quorum" = $NIOSPool.quorum
                    "disable" = $NIOSPool.disable
                ## Build Servers
                foreach ($Server in $NIOSPool.servers) {
                    Write-Host "Querying DTC Server: $($Server.server)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    $NIOSServer = Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Uri "$($Server.server)?_return_fields%2b=auto_create_host_record,disable,health,host,monitors,name,use_sni_hostname" @InvokeOpts
                    $NewServer = @{
                        "weight" = $Server.ratio
                        "AutoCreateResponses" = $NIOSServer.auto_create_host_record
                        "disable" = $NIOSServer.disable
                        "name" = $
                        "address" = $null
                        "fqdn" = $null
                    if (Test-ValidIPv4Address($ {
                        $NewServer.address = $
                    } else {
                        $NewServer.fqdn = $
                    $NewPool.servers += $NewServer
                ## Build Health Checks
                foreach ($Monitor in $NIOSPool.monitors) {
                    $ReturnFields = @('name,retry_up,retry_down,timeout,interval')
                    $Process = $true
                    Switch -Wildcard ($Monitor) {
                        "dtc:monitor:http*" {
                            $ReturnFields += @('content_check','content_check_input','content_check_op','content_check_regex','content_extract_group','content_extract_type','content_extract_value','enable_sni','port','request','result','result_code','validate_cert','secure')
                        "dtc:monitor:tcp*" {
                            $ReturnFields += @('port')
                        "dtc:monitor:icmp*" {
                            ## Nothing to add
                        default {
                            Write-Host "Found unsupported DTC Monitor. BloxOne DTC currently supports TCP, HTTP or ICMP Health Checks, so this one will be skipped: $($Monitor)" -ForegroundColor Red
                            $Process = $false
                    if ($Process) {
                        Write-Host "Querying DTC Monitor: $($Monitor)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                        $NIOSMonitor = Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Uri "$($Monitor)?_return_fields%2b=$($ReturnFields -join ',')" @InvokeOpts
                        if ($NIOSMonitor.content_check -eq "EXTRACT") {
                            Write-Host "Found unsupported DTC Monitor Regex. BloxOne DTC does not currently support multiple regex capture groups, so this one will be skipped: $($Monitor)" -ForegroundColor Red
                        } else {
                            if ($Monitor -like "dtc:monitor:http*") {
                                if ($NIOSMonitor.content_check_input -eq "HEADERS" -or "ALL") {
                                    Write-Host "Found unsupported DTC Monitor configuration. BloxOne DTC does support checking HTTP Headers, but requires the header name is specified. As this is not available in NIOS, this portion of the health check will not be created: $($Monitor)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                                    $NIOSMonitor.content_check_input = "BODY"
                                if ($NIOSMonitor.request -notlike "*HTTP/1.*") {
                                    $NIOSMonitor.request = $NIOSMonitor.request -Replace("`n`n$"," HTTP/1.1")
                            $NewPool.monitors += $NIOSMonitor
                $NewPools += $NewPool
            ## Build LBDNs
            foreach ($Pattern in $LBDNToMigrate.patterns) {
                if ($LBDNTransform) {
                    foreach ($LBDNTransformRule in $LBDNTransform) {
                        $LBDNTransformSplit = $LBDNTransformRule -split ':'
                        $From = $LBDNTransformSplit[0]
                        $To = $LBDNTransformSplit[1]
                        if ($Pattern -like "*$($From)*") {
                            $Pattern = $Pattern.Replace($From,$To)
                $NewLBDNs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "Name" = $Pattern
                    "Description" = $
                    "DNSView" = $B1DNSView
                    "ttl" = $(if ($($LBDNToMigrate.ttl)) { $LBDNToMigrate.ttl } else { $null } )
                    "priority" = $LBDNToMigrate.priority
                    "persistence" = $LBDNToMigrate.persistence
                    "types" = $LBDNToMigrate.types
            ## Build Policy
            if (!($PolicyName)) {
                $PolicyName = $
            $NewPolicy = [PSCustomObject]@{
                "Name" = $PolicyName
                "LoadBalancingMethod" = $MethodArr[$LBDNToMigrate.lb_method.ToLower()]
                "rules" = @()
            ## Process Topology Rules (Assigned to LBDN in NIOS)
            if ($LBDNToMigrate.lb_method.ToLower() -eq 'topology') {
                foreach ($DTCTopologyRule in $LBDNToMigrate.topology) {
                    Write-Host "Querying DTC Topology Rule: $($DTCTopologyRule)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    $NIOSTopologyRules = Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Uri "$($DTCTopologyRule)?_return_fields%2b=rules" @InvokeOpts
                    foreach ($NIOSTopologyRule in $NIOSTopologyRules.rules) {
                        Write-Host "Querying DTC Topology Rule: $($NIOSTopologyRule._ref)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                        $iNIOSTopologyRule = Invoke-NIOS -Method GET -Uri "$($NIOSTopologyRule._ref)?_return_fields%2b=dest_type,return_type,sources,valid,destination_link" @InvokeOpts
                        foreach ($Source in $iNIOSTopologyRule.sources) {
                            if ($Source.source_type -ne 'SUBNET') {
                                Write-Host "Found unsupported DTC Topology Rule Source: $($Source.source_type). BloxOne only supports Subnet and Default rules. Geography and Extensible Attribute/Tag based rules are not yet supported and will be skipped." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                            $Sources = $Sources | Where-Object {$_.source_type -eq 'SUBNET'}
                        if ($iNIOSTopologyRule.sources.count -eq 0) {
                            $iNIOSTopologyRule | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "default" -Value $true
                        if ($iNIOSTopologyRule.dest_type -eq "SERVER") {
                            Write-Host "Found unsupported DTC Topology Rule Destination. BloxOne only supports Pool topology rulesets. Any rulesets defined as Server will need to be changed to Pool prior to migration. This one will be skipped: $($iNIOSTopologyRule._ref)" -ForegroundColor Red
                        } else {
                            $NewPolicy.rules += $iNIOSTopologyRule
            ## Build Results Object
            $Results = [PSCustomObject]@{
                "LBDN" = $NewLBDNs
                "Policy" = $NewPolicy
                "Pools" = $NewPools
            ## Apply changes (Publish in BloxOne DDI)
            if ($ApplyChanges) {
                ## Create DTC Pool(s), Servers(s) & Associations
                $PoolList = @()
                ## Create Pool(s)
                foreach ($MigrationPool in $Results.pools) {
                    foreach ($MigrationServer in $MigrationPool.servers) {
                        $ServerSplat = @{
                            "Name" = $
                            "State" = $(if ($($MigrationServer.disable)) { "Disabled" } else { "Enabled" })
                            "AutoCreateResponses" = $(if ($($MigrationServer.AutoCreateResponses)) { "Enabled" } else { "Disabled" })
                        if ($MigrationServer.fqdn) {
                            $ServerSplat.FQDN = $MigrationServer.fqdn
                        } elseif ($MigrationServer.address)  {
                            $ServerSplat.IP = $MigrationServer.address
                        if ($B1DTCServer = Get-B1DTCServer -Name $ -Strict) {
                            Write-Host "DTC Server already exists: $($ - Skipping.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        } else {
                            $B1DTCServer = New-B1DTCServer @ServerSplat
                            if ($ {
                                Write-Host "Successfully created DTC Server: $($" -ForegroundColor Green
                            } else {
                                Write-Host "Failed to create DTC Server $($ServerSplat.Name)" -ForegroundColor Red
                    $HealthChecks = @()
                    $B1HealthChecks = Get-B1DTCHealthCheck
                    ## Create Health Check(s)
                    foreach ($MigrationMonitor in $MigrationPool.monitors) {
                        $UseDefault = $false
                        switch ($MigrationMonitor.comment) {
                            "Default ICMP health monitor" {
                                if ('Default ICMP health check' -in $B1HealthChecks.comment) {
                                    $B1DTCHealthCheckName = 'ICMP health check'
                                    $UseDefault = $true
                            "Default HTTP health monitor" {
                                if ('Default HTTP health check' -in $B1HealthChecks.comment) {
                                    $B1DTCHealthCheckName = 'ICMP health check'
                                    $UseDefault = $true
                        if (!($UseDefault)) {
                            $MonitorType = (($MigrationMonitor._ref -split ':')[2] -split '/')[0]
                            if ($MonitorType -in @('http','icmp','tcp')) {
                                if ($MigrationMonitor.timeout -gt $MigrationMonitor.interval) {
                                    Write-Host "Health Check timeout exceeds its interval, setting them to match.." -ForegroundColor Magenta
                                    $MigrationMonitor.timeout = $MigrationMonitor.interval
                                $HealthCheckSplat = @{
                                    "Name" = $
                                    "Description" = $MigrationMonitor.comment
                                    "Type" = $MonitorType
                                    "Interval" = $MigrationMonitor.interval
                                    "Timeout" = $MigrationMonitor.timeout
                                    "RetryUp" =  $MigrationMonitor.retry_up
                                    "RetryDown" =  $MigrationMonitor.retry_down
                                if ($MonitorType -in @('http','tcp')) {
                                    $HealthCheckSplat.Port = $MigrationMonitor.port
                                if ($MonitorType -eq 'http') {
                                    $HealthCheckSplat.HTTPRequest = $MigrationMonitor.request
                                    $HealthCheckSplat.StatusCodes = $MigrationMonitor.result_code
                                    $HealthCheckSplat.UseHTTPS = $

                                    if ($MigrationMonitor.content_check -eq "NONE") {
                                        $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseBody = "None"
                                    } else {
                                        Switch ($MigrationMonitor.content_check_op) {
                                            "EQ" {
                                                $MonitorOp = "Found"
                                            "NEQ" {
                                                $MonitorOp = "NotFound"
                                        Switch ($MigrationMonitor.content_check_input) {
                                            "ALL" {
                                                $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseBody = $MonitorOp
                                                $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseBodyRegex = $MigrationMonitor.content_check_regex
                                            "BODY" {
                                                $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseBody = $MonitorOp
                                                $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseBodyRegex = $MigrationMonitor.content_check_regex
                                            # "HEADERS" {
                                            # $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseHeader = $MonitorOp
                                            # $HealthCheckSplat.ResponseHeaderRegexes = $MigrationMonitor.content_check_regex
                                            # }
                                if ($B1DTCHealthCheck = Get-B1DTCHealthCheck -Name $ -Strict) {
                                    Write-Host "DTC Health Check already exists: $($ - Skipping.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                                } else {
                                    $B1DTCHealthCheck = New-B1DTCHealthCheck @HealthCheckSplat
                                    if ($ {
                                        Write-Host "Successfully created DTC Health Check: $($" -ForegroundColor Green
                                        $HealthChecks += $
                                    } else {
                                        Write-Host "Failed to create DTC Health Check: $($" -ForegroundColor Red
                            } else {
                                Write-Host "Found unsupported DTC Monitor. BloxOne DTC currently supports TCP, HTTP or ICMP Health Checks, so this one will be skipped: $($Monitor)" -ForegroundColor Red
                        } else {
                            if ($B1DTCHealthCheckName) {
                                $HealthChecks += $B1DTCHealthCheckName
                    $PoolSplat = @{
                        "Name" = $
                        "LoadBalancingType" = $MethodArr[$MigrationPool.method]
                        "State" = $(if ($($MigrationPool.disable)) { "Disabled" } else { "Enabled" })
                        "Servers" = $(if ($MigrationPool.method -eq "ratio") { ($MigrationPool.Servers | Select-Object *,@{name="ratio-host";expression={"$($$($_.weight)"}}).'ratio-host' } else { $ })
                        "PoolHealthyWhen" = $ChecksArr[$MigrationPool.availability]
                        "PoolHealthyCount" = $MigrationPool.quorum
                        "HealthChecks" = $HealthChecks
                    if ($MigrationPool.ttl) {
                        $PoolSplat.TTL = $MigrationPool.ttl
                    if ($B1DTCPool = Get-B1DTCPool -Name $ -Strict) {
                        Write-Host "DTC Pool already exists: $($ - Skipping.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    } else {
                        $B1DTCPool = New-B1DTCPool @PoolSplat
                        if ($ {
                            Write-Host "Successfully created DTC Pool: $($" -ForegroundColor Green
                        } else {
                            Write-Host "Failed to create DTC Pool $($PoolSplat.Name)" -ForegroundColor Red
                    $PoolName = $(if ($Results.Policy.LoadBalancingMethod -eq 'ratio') { "$($$($MigrationPool.ratio)" } else { $($ })
                    $PoolList += $PoolName
                ## Create Policy
                $PolicySplat = @{
                    "Name" = $Results.Policy.Name
                    "LoadBalancingType" = $Results.Policy.LoadBalancingMethod
                    "Pools" = $PoolList
                ## Create Topology Rule(s)
                if ($Results.Policy.LoadBalancingMethod -eq 'topology') {
                    $TopologyRules = @()
                    foreach ($tRule in $Results.Policy.rules) {
                        $tRuleSplat = @{
                            "Type" = $(if ($tRule.default) { "Default" } else { $tRule.sources.source_type.toLower() })
                            "Destination" = $(
                                Switch ($tRule.return_type) {
                                  "REGULAR" {
                                  "NOERR" {
                                  "NXDOMAIN" {
                            "Pool" = $
                            "Subnets" = $tRule.sources.source_value
                        if ($tRule.default) {
                            $tRuleSplat.Name = "Default"
                        } else {
                            $tRuleSplat.Name = $tRule.sources.source_value
                        $TopologyRules += New-B1DTCTopologyRule @tRuleSplat
                    $PolicySplat.Rules = $TopologyRules
                if ($B1DTCPolicy = Get-B1DTCPolicy -Name $Results.Policy.Name -Strict) {
                    Write-Host "DTC Policy already exists: $($ - Skipping.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                } else {
                    $B1DTCPolicy = New-B1DTCPolicy @PolicySplat
                    if ($ {
                        Write-Host "Successfully created DTC Policy: $($" -ForegroundColor Green
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "Failed to create DTC Policy $($Results.Policy.Name)" -ForegroundColor Red
                ## Create LBDN(s)
                foreach ($MigrationLBDN in $Results.lbdn) {
                    $LBDNSplat = @{
                        "Name" = $MigrationLBDN.Name
                        "Description" = $MigrationLBDN.Description
                        "DNSView" = $MigrationLBDN.DNSView
                        "Policy" = $Results.Policy.Name
                    if ($MigrationLBDN.ttl) {
                        $LBDNSplat.TTL = $MigrationLBDN.ttl
                    if ($B1DTCLBDN = Get-B1DTCLBDN -Name $MigrationLBDN.Name -Strict) {
                        Write-Host "DTC LBDN already exists: $($ - Skipping.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    } else {
                        $B1DTCLBDN = New-B1DTCLBDN @LBDNSplat
                        if ($ {
                            Write-Host "Successfully created DTC LBDN: $($" -ForegroundColor Green
                        } else {
                            Write-Host "Failed to create DTC LBDN $($MigrationLBDN.Name)" -ForegroundColor Red

            } else {
                $Results | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        } else {
            Write-Error "Error - Unable to find LBDN: $($NIOSLBDN)"