
function New-B1Subnet {
        Creates a new subnet in BloxOneDDI IPAM

        This function is used to create a new subnet in BloxOneDDI IPAM

    .PARAMETER Subnet
        The network address of the subnet you want to create

        The CIDR suffix of the subnet you want to create

    .PARAMETER Space
        The IPAM space for the subnet to be placed in

        The name of the subnet you want to create

    .PARAMETER Description
        The description of the subnet you want to create

        The name of the HA group to apply to this subnet

        A list of DHCP Options you want to apply to the new subnet.

        The DDNS Domain to apply to the new subnet

        Any tags you want to apply to the subnet

    .PARAMETER Force
        Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium.

        PS> New-B1Subnet -Subnet "" -CIDR "24" -Space "Global" -Name "My Subnet" -Description "My Production Subnet"

        ## Example showing building DHCP options using Get-B1DHCPOptionCode
        $DHCPOptions = @()
        $DHCPOptions += @{"type"="option";"option_code"=(Get-B1DHCPOptionCode -Name "routers").id;"option_value"="";}

        PS> New-B1Subnet -Subnet "" -CIDR "24" -Space "Global" -Name "My Subnet" -Description "My Production Subnet" -DHCPOptions $DHCPOptions



        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
    $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters
    $SpaceUUID = (Get-B1Space -Name $Space -Strict).id
    if ($HAGroup) {
        $DHCPHost = (Get-B1HAGroup -Name $HAGroup).id

    if (Get-B1Subnet -Subnet $Subnet -Space $Space -CIDR $CIDR) {
        Write-Host "The subnet $Subnet/$CIDR already exists." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        $splat = @{
            "space" = $SpaceUUID
            "address" = $Subnet
            "cidr" = $CIDR
            "comment" = $Description
            "name" = $Name
            "dhcp_host" = $DHCPHost
            "dhcp_options" = $DHCPOptions

        if ($DDNSDomain) {
            $splat."ddns_domain" = $DDNSDomain
            $DDNSupdateBlock = @{
                ddns_update_block = @{
                    "action" = "override"
                    "value" = @{}
            $splat.inheritance_sources = $DDNSupdateBlock

        if ($Tags) {
            $splat.tags = $Tags

        $splat = $splat | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create new Subnet:`n$($splat)","Create new Subnet: $($Subnet)/$($CIDR)",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){
            Write-Host "Creating subnet..." -ForegroundColor Gray
            $Result = Invoke-CSP -Method POST -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/ipam/subnet" -Data $splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue
            if ($Result.address -eq $Subnet) {
                Write-Host "Subnet $Subnet/$CIDR created successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
                return $Result
            } else {
                Write-Host "Failed to create subnet $Subnet/$CIDR." -ForegroundColor Red