
function New-B1DNSACLItem {
        This function is used to create new ACL Items to append or remove to/from an existing or a New DNS ACL, using Set-B1DNSACL / New-B1DNSACL.

        This function is used to create new ACL Items to append or remove to/from an existing or a New DNS ACL, using Set-B1DNSACL / New-B1DNSACL.

    .PARAMETER Access
        The permission to apply to this ACL Item (Allow/Deny)

        The Named ACL to associate with this ACL Item. This selects the ACL Element to 'acl'

    .PARAMETER Address
        The IPv4/IPv6 address or network (in CIDR format) to associate with this ACL Item. This selects the ACL Element to 'ip'

        The IPv4/IPv6 address or network (in CIDR format) to associate with this ACL Item. This selects the ACL Element to 'tsig_key'

        New-B1DNSACLItem -Access Allow -ACL 'My ACL'

        access : allow
        acl : dns/acl/1c4e5768-f4r4-dgsd-bewf-grdrggwt4se
        address :
        element : acl
        tsig_key :

        $NewACLs = @()
        $NewACLs += New-B1DNSACLItem -Access Deny -ACL 'My ACL'
        $NewACLs += New-B1DNSACLItem -Access Allow -Address ''

        $NewACLs | ft

        access acl address element tsig_key
        ------ --- ------- ------- --------
        allow ip
        deny dns/acl/1c4e5768-f4r4-dgsd-bewf-grdrggwt4se acl



    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    if ($Address) {
        $PSBoundParameters.address = $Address
        $PSBoundParameters.element = 'ip'

    if ($ACL) {
        $NewACL = Get-B1DNSACL -Name $ACL -Strict
        if ($NewACL) {
            $PSBoundParameters.ACL = $
            $PSBoundParameters.element = 'acl'
        } else {
            Write-Error "Unable to find ACL with name: $($ACL)"
            return $null

    if ($TSIG_KEY) {
        $NewTSIG = 'Not Implemented'
        return $NewTSIG

    $PSBP = @{}
    foreach ($Parameter in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
        $PSBP[$($Parameter.Key)] = "$($Parameter.Value.ToLower())"
