
function Set-B1AuthoritativeZone {
        Updates an existing Authoritative Zone in BloxOneDDI

        This function is used to an existing Authoritative Zone in BloxOneDDI

        The FQDN of the zone to update

        The DNS View the zone is located in

        A list of DNS Hosts to assign to the zone. This will overwrite existing values

        A list of Authoritative DNS Server Groups to add to the zone.

    .PARAMETER RemoveAuthNSGs
        A list of Authoritative DNS Server Groups to remove from the zone.

    .PARAMETER Description
        The description for the zone to be updated to

    .PARAMETER State
        Set whether the Authoritative Zone is enabled or disabled.

    .PARAMETER NotifyExternalSecondaries
        Toggle whether to notify external secondary DNS Servers for this zone.

    .PARAMETER Compartment
        The name of the compartment to assign to this authoritative zone

        A list of tags to update on the authoritative zone. This will replace existing tags, so would normally be a combined list of existing and new tags

    .PARAMETER Object
        The Authoritative Zone Object to update. Accepts pipeline input

    .PARAMETER Force
        Perform the operation without prompting for confirmation. By default, this function will not prompt for confirmation unless $ConfirmPreference is set to Medium.

        PS> Set-B1AuthoritativeZone -FQDN "mysubzone.mycompany.corp" -View "default" -DNSHosts "" -AddAuthNSGs "Data Centre"



        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
        ValueFromPipeline = $true,

    begin {
        $ConfirmPreference = Confirm-ShouldProcess $PSBoundParameters
        if ($Compartment) {
            $CompartmentID = (Get-B1Compartment -Name $Compartment -Strict).id
            if (!($CompartmentID)) {
                Write-Error "Unable to find compartment with name: $($Compartment)"
                return $null

    process {
        if ($Object) {
            $SplitID = $'/')
            if (("$($SplitID[0])/$($SplitID[1])") -ne "dns/auth_zone") {
                Write-Error "Error. Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports 'dns/auth_zone' objects as input"
                return $null
        } else {
            $Object = Get-B1AuthoritativeZone -FQDN $FQDN -View $View -Strict
            if (!($Object)) {
                Write-Error "Unable to find Authoritative Zone: $($FQDN)"
                return $null
        $NewObj = $Object | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty id,fqdn,mapped_subnet,mapping,parent,protocol_fqdn,updated_at,created_at,warnings,view,inheritance_assigned_hosts,inheritance_sources,initial_soa_serial,primary_type,zone_authority,external_providers,nios_grids_metadata

        if ($Description) {
            $NewObj.comment = $Description
        if ($NotifyExternalSecondaries) {
            $NewObj.notify = $(if ($NotifyExternalSecondaries -eq 'Enabled') { $true } else { $false })
        if ($State) {
            $NewObj.disabled = $(if ($State -eq 'Enabled') { $false } else { $true })
        if ($Tags) {
            $NewObj.tags = $Tags
        if ($CompartmentID) {
            $NewObj.compartment_id = $CompartmentID
        if ($DNSHosts) {
            $B1Hosts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            foreach ($DNSHost in $DNSHosts) {
                $B1Hosts.Add(@{"host"=(Get-B1DNSHost -Name $DNSHost).id;}) | Out-Null
            $NewObj.internal_secondaries = $B1Hosts

        if ($AddAuthNSGs) {
            $B1AuthNSGs = @()
            if ($NewObj.nsgs -gt 0) {
                $B1AuthNSGs += $NewObj.nsgs
            foreach ($AuthNSG in $AddAuthNSGs) {
                $B1AuthNSGs += (Get-B1AuthoritativeNSG -Name $AuthNSG -Strict).id
            $NewObj.nsgs = @()
            $NewObj.nsgs += $B1AuthNSGs | Select-Object -Unique

        if ($RemoveAuthNSGs) {
            $B1AuthNSGs = @()
            if ($NewObj.nsgs -gt 0) {
                $B1AuthNSGs += $NewObj.nsgs
            foreach ($AuthNSG in $RemoveAuthNSGs) {
                $AuthNSGid = (Get-B1AuthoritativeNSG -Name $AuthNSG -Strict).id
                $B1AuthNSGs = $B1AuthNSGs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $AuthNSGid}
            $NewObj.nsgs = @()
            $NewObj.nsgs += $B1AuthNSGs | Select-Object -Unique

        $JSON = $NewObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress

        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update Authoritative Zone:`n$(JSONPretty($JSON))","Update Authoritative Zone: $($Object.fqdn) ($($",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)){
            $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method PATCH -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/ddi/v1/$($" -Data $JSON
            if ($Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue) {
                $Results | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result
            } else {