
function Get-ibPSConfiguration {
        Used to get the current configuration for ibPS

        This function is used to get the current configuration for ibPS

    .PARAMETER IncludeAPIKey
        The -IncludeAPIKey indicates whether the API Key should be returned in the response

    .PARAMETER Details
        The -Details parameter optionally includes the Build Version, Github Commit SHA & Module Location in the response

        PS> Get-ibPSConfiguration

        CSP Url :
        CSP API User : svc-csp
        CSP Account : ACME Corp
        CSP API Key : ********
        ibPS Version :
        ibPS Branch : main
        Debug Mode : Disabled
        Development Mode : Disabled


  param (

  $ibPSModule = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ibPS

  $CurrentConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "CSP Url" = $(if ($ENV:B1CSPUrl) {$ENV:B1CSPUrl} else {''})
    "CSP API User" = $(if ($ENV:B1APIKey) {(Get-B1CSPCurrentUser).name} else {'API Key Not Set'})
    "CSP Account" = $(if ($ENV:B1APIKey) {(Get-B1CSPCurrentUser -Account).name} else {'API Key Not Set'})
    "CSP API Key" = $(if ($ENV:B1APIKey) {if ($IncludeAPIKey) {Get-B1CSPAPIKey} else { "********" }} else {'API Key Not Set'})
    "DoH Server" = $(if ($ENV:IBPSDoH) {$ENV:IBPSDoH} else { 'Not Set' })
    "ibPS Version" = $ibPSModule.Version.ToString()
    "Debug Mode" = $(if ($ENV:IBPSDebug) {$ENV:IBPSDebug} else {'Disabled'})
    "Development Mode" = $(if ($ENV:IBPSDevelopment) {$ENV:IBPSDevelopment} else {'Disabled'})
    "Telemetry Status" = $(if ($ENV:IBPSTelemetry) {$ENV:IBPSTelemetry} else {'Disabled'})

  if ($Details) {
    $PSGalleryModule = Get-InstalledModule -Name ibPS -EA SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue

    $ModulePath = "$($ibPSModule.ModuleBase)"
    if (Test-Path "$($ModulePath)/Functions/Misc/build.json") {
      $Build = Get-Content "$($ModulePath)/Functions/Misc/build.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
      $CurrentConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Branch" -Value $Build.Branch
      $CurrentConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Build" -Value $Build.Build
      $CurrentConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SHA" -Value $Build.SHA
    $CurrentConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Install Path" -Value $ModulePath
    $CurrentConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Install Type" -Value $(if ($PSGalleryModule) { "Powershell Gallery" } else { "Local"})
  return $CurrentConfig