
function New-B1SecurityPolicyIPAMNetwork {
        This function is used to simplify the creation of the list of Subnets/Address Blocks/Ranges to append or remove to/from an existing or a New Security Policy, using Set-B1SecurityPolicy / New-B1SecurityPolicy.

        This function is used to simplify the creation of the list of Subnets/Address Blocks/Ranges to append or remove to/from an existing or a New Security Policy, using Set-B1SecurityPolicy / New-B1SecurityPolicy.

    .PARAMETER Object
        The Address Block, Subnet or Range object

        $PolicyNetworks = @()
        $PolicyNetworks += Get-B1Subnet -Space 'My IP Space' | New-B1SecurityPolicyIPAMNetwork
        $PolicyNetworks += Get-B1Subnet -Space 'My IP Space' | New-B1SecurityPolicyIPAMNetwork
        $PolicyNetworks += Get-B1Range -Space 'My IP Space' | New-B1SecurityPolicyIPAMNetwork
        $PolicyNetworks | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json | ft

        addr_net start end external_scope_id ip_space_id scope_type
        -------- ----- --- ----------------- ----------- ---------- 00011234-7b54-f4gf-gfgv-g4gh5h6rhrdg fdsjvf98-489j-v8rj-g54t-gefsffsdf34d SUBNET 00015644-7t55-fsrg-g564-dfgbdrg48gdo fdsjvf98-489j-v8rj-g54t-gefsffsdf34d SUBNET
               00015644-7t55-fsrg-g564-dfgbdrg48gdo fdsjvf98-489j-v8rj-g54t-gefsffsdf34d RANGE

        BloxOne Threat Defense

            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
    process {
        if ($Object) {
            $SplitID = $'/')
            $PermittedObjects = @("ipam/subnet","ipam/address_block","ipam/range")
            if (("$($SplitID[0])/$($SplitID[1])") -notin $PermittedObjects) {
                Write-Error "Error. Unsupported pipeline object. This function only supports 'ipam/subnet','ipam/address_block' & 'ipam/range' objects as input"
                return $null
        $ParentID = $(if ($Object.parent) {($Object.parent -split '/')[2]})
        $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            external_scope_id = $SplitID[2]
            ip_space_id = ($ -split '/')[2]
            scope_type = $($SplitID[1]).ToUpper()
            start = $null
            end = $null
            addr_net = $null
        if ($SplitID[1] -eq 'range') {
            $Obj.start = $Object.start
            $Obj.end = $Object.end
        } else {
            $Obj.addr_net = "$($Object.address)/$($Object.cidr)"

        return $Obj
