
function New-B1Host {
        Creates a new BloxOneDDI Host

        This function is used to create a new BloxOneDDI Host

        The name of the BloxOneDDI host to create

    .PARAMETER Space
        The IPAM space where the BloxOneDDI host should be placed

    .PARAMETER Description
        The description of the new BloxOneDDI Host

    .PARAMETER Location
        The Location for the new BloxOne Host.

        PS> New-B1Host -Name "bloxoneddihost1.mydomain.corp" -Description "My BloxOneDDI Host" -Space "Global"


    if (Get-B1Host -Name $Name -Strict) {
        Write-Host "$Name already exists as an On-Prem host." -ForegroundColor Red

    $splat = @{
        "display_name" = $Name
        "ip_space" = (Get-B1Space -Name $Space -Strict).id
        "description" = $Description

    if ($Location) {
      $LocationID = (Get-B1Location -Name $Location -Strict).id
      if ($LocationID) {
        $splat.location_id = $LocationID
      } else {
        Write-Error "Unable to find Location: $($Location)"
        return $null

    $splat = $splat | ConvertTo-Json

    $Result = Invoke-CSP -Method POST -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/infra/v1/hosts" -Data $splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($Result.display_name -eq $Name) {
        Write-Host "On-Prem host $Name created successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
    } else {
        Write-Host "Failed to create On-Prem host $Name." -ForegroundColor Red