
function New-B1Object {
        Generic Wrapper for creating new objects within the CSP (Cloud Services Portal)

        This is a Generic Wrapper for creating new objects within the CSP (Cloud Services Portal).

    .PARAMETER Product
        Specify the product to use, such as 'BloxOne DDI'.
        This parameter is auto-populated when using tab

        Specify the App to use, such as 'DnsConfig'
        This parameter is auto-populated when using tab

    .PARAMETER Endpoint
        Specify the API Endpoint to use, such as "/ipam/record".
        This parameter is auto-populated when using tab

        The data to submit

        Use this switch if the -Data parameter contains JSON data instead of a PSObject

    .PARAMETER Method
        The method to use when creating new object. Defaults to POST

        ##This example will create a new DNS Record

        PS> $Splat = @{
                "name_in_zone" = "MyNewRecord"
                "zone" = "dns/auth_zone/12345678-8989-4833-abcd-12345678" ### The DNS Zone ID
                "type" = "A"
                "rdata" = @{
                    "address" = ""
        PS> New-B1Object -Product 'BloxOne DDI' -App DnsData -Endpoint /dns/record -Data $Splat



        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $Method = "POST"
    process {
        $B1CSPUrl = Get-B1CSPUrl
        $BasePath = (Invoke-CSP GET "$($B1CSPUrl)/apidoc/docs/$($PSBoundParameters['App'])").basePath -replace '\/$',''

        $Uri = "$($B1CSPUrl)$($BasePath)$($Endpoint)$($QueryString)" -replace "\*","``*"
        if (!($JSON)) {
            $Data = $Data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 15 -Compress
        $Results = Invoke-CSP -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Data $Data
        if ($Results) {
            return $Results