
function Set-B1CSPUrl {
        Sets/updates the BloxOneDDI CSP Url.

        This function will set/update the BloxOneDDI CSP Url. This is used when using an alternate CSP Region (i.e EU)

    .PARAMETER Region
        Specify the CSP Region to use (i.e EU for the EMEA instance)

        Optionally specify a URL manually

        PS> Set-B1CSPUrl -Region EU
        BloxOne CSP URL ( has been stored for this session.
        You can make the CSP URL persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter.

        PS> Set-B1CSPUrl -Region EU -Persist
        BloxOne CSP URL ( has been stored permenantly for user on computername.




      switch ($Region) {
        "US" {
            $URL = ""
        "EU" {
            $URL = ""

      if ($Persist) {
          $Platform = Detect-OS
          if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
            $ENV:B1CSPUrl = $URL
            Write-Host "BloxOne CSP URL ($URL) has been stored permenantly for $env:USERNAME on $env:COMPUTERNAME." -ForegroundColor Green
          } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
            $ENV:B1CSPUrl = $URL
            if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
              touch ~/.zshenv
            sed -i '' -e '/B1CSPUrl/d' ~/.zshenv
            echo "export B1CSPUrl=$URL" >> ~/.zshenv
            Write-Host "BloxOne CSP URL ($URL) has been stored permenantly for $env:USER on $(scutil --get LocalHostName)." -ForegroundColor Green
      } else {
          $ENV:B1CSPUrl = $URL
          Write-Host "BloxOne CSP URL ($URL) has been stored for this session." -ForegroundColor Green
          Write-Host "You can make the CSP URL persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter." -ForegroundColor Gray